Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

  “SUMMER!” Amanda screamed, her voice bouncing off the walls of Summer’s apartment, echoing throughout her brain. She had slept over the night before. Summer bolted upright in her room and yawned. Just as she was about to fall back to sleep, another even louder ear-splitting yell from Amanda jolted her awake again. Cursing silently under her breath, she dragged her feet to her door and opened it, peeking out.

  “What?” she asked lamely, searching for Amanda.

  “You have to see this!” Her voice came from the living room. Summer trudged to the living room area before gasping loudly and covering her mouth with her hands. Her eyes widened as she took in the scene in front of her.

Her entire living room had been filled completely with bouquets and stalks of deep blood red roses. The sofas had been sprinkled with petals of roses. The floor-to-ceiling glass windows had been stuck with stalks of roses here and there. It looked like someone had emptied out the contents of red paint all over her living room.

However, amidst the red mass, right in the center of the living room, was a single bouquet of white roses that stood out greatly from the redness around it. And if you looked closely, there was a card strategically and carefully placed in it.

As though they read each other’s minds, they slowly turned towards each other, understanding each other. Summer eyed the single white bouquet of roses.

  “Whoever sent this is either really romantic,” Summer began, “or just incredibly hilarious.”

  Amanda threw her head back in laughter, “First one that gets the card wins!”

With that challenge flung at Summer, Amanda darted into the field of roses. She fell onto the clumps of roses, stepped on them and ruined them. Without a second thought, Summer dived in after her, laughing as she hit the bed of roses, the petals flying all over the place. Their laughter broke the morning silence of Summer’s apartment as they clambered and clawed their way to the mystery card in the middle of the room. Thankfully, the roses were thorn-free.


  “AHA!” Amanda grinned triumphantly as she swiftly plucked the card-sealed-in-an-envelope from the bouquet of white roses once she finally made her way to it.

  Summer’s head suddenly popped out from under the sea of roses and rose petals, her hair disheveled and mixed with red petals like Amanda. “No!” She reached out and tried to grab it from Amanda, but failing miserably, face planting the bed of roses instead and getting another mouthful of rose petals.

  “Now let’s see,” Amanda smirked as she tore the seal of the expensive looking envelope and carefully took out the folded red card inside. Summer spit out the petals from her mouth, coughing. Then, she swam her way to Amanda and read the card aloud.

  “‘To Summer & Amanda,’” Summer started clearly, “‘If you’re reading this, that means you’ve successfully passed the bed of roses. Congratulations. However, it is not over yet. Be at Marina’s Café at 2p.m. Seeing you soon, your secret admirers.’”

  The two girls stared at each other with shocked looked plastered across their faces.

  “Don’t tell me we just wasted our time swimming through that bed of roses just to get another instruction,” Amanda spluttered out, throwing the card into Summer’s lap as she stood up, running her fingers through her hair.

  Summer glanced at the clock hanging on the wall, “It’s 12 already. We should get ready and be there by 2.”

  “Are you serious?” Amanda turned to Summer, who was also stood up, brushing away rose petals from her hair.

  “Deadly.” Summer responded lightly as she started to make her way to her room, “Are you coming or not? Don’t you want to know who messed up our morning and made us smell like roses? Well I certainly do.”


It was almost 2p.m. and Summer and Amanda were sat at a table in Marina’s Café, in simple attires and anxious expressions. Summer kept her eyes peeled, looking up every time someone entered, hoping they’d make their way over to their table for the next instruction

  “I don’t even know what or who I am supposed to be looking for,” Summer cried, exasperated. She spared a glance at her phone and found that it was exactly 2p.m. She was just about to complain further when someone approached them.

  “Excuse me?” A girl with a British accent asked politely. Her blonde hair was in Taylor Swift curls as she looked out of breath, panting slightly. There were two parcels in her hands. “Are you Summer Falls…and Amanda Reese?”

  “Yes,” Summer answered for both of them. Amanda perked up.

  “I have two parcels for you two,” She said as she handed them their respective parcels, then she winked at them before leaving, “Good luck!”

Summer and Amanda looked as confused as ever. It seemed like the delivery girl knew what was happening and she didn’t…

Nevertheless, she ripped open the parcel in front of her, as did Amanda. It wasn’t very big, it was rectangular-shaped and wrapped with simple brown paper. Unwrapping them, they both found themselves with identical baby blue rectangular boxes. But that wasn’t what made them widen their eyes. It was the unmistakable Tiffany & Co logo on it that did. Excitedly, they opened the blue boxes and gasped simultaneously.

Inside both of the blue boxes were white-gold necklaces. Summer’s one had a pendant the shaped of her initial ‘S’, in a slightly cursive font that Summer loved immediately. Amanda’s was identical except hers was an ‘A’ instead. However, there was a small white card placed in the box too. Curiously, she took it and read hers. It read:

  ‘To Summer,

              If you’re reading this, that means you’ve received the necklace. Hope you like it. Now proceed to the water fountain at the Main Park.

              Hint: What did Cinderella leave behind?

                                                                                                                            Patiently waiting, your secret admirer.

Amanda looked at Summer and they both exchanged glances. They quickly swapped their cards and it both said almost the same thing. Without a doubt, they packed their stuff and dashed out the café, heading to their next destination.


Heeeey guys! :)

Now it's time for funnnn! c:

Julia :)

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