Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Summer and Jake walked together, hand-in-hand, to one of the tall tables where they could have some time to themselves. They noted that Aaron and Clarice were a few tables away and could see them. 

They placed their wine glasses on the table and started talking casually. Then, they started laughing because Jake cracked a joke. Jake couldn’t ignore the fact that Summer looked naturally pretty when she laughed and her laugh sounded like music to his ears.

Suddenly, Jake daringly took a step closer to Summer, closing the distance in between them. Summer blushed at their sudden closeness and tried to move a step back but Jake had his arms around her waist already. He leaned in closer…and closer…

  “Time for our act,” He whispers silently and pressed his lips against hers. She wrapped her arms around his neck, enjoying the moment. Aaron will definitely miss her. She had to admit, Jake was a good kisser.

After they pulled apart, breathless, Jake couldn’t help but smile. He was thinking the same thing. Summer was a good kisser. What he’d do to kiss her again. Well, they were a fake couple, right? And all this was just to make Aaron jealous…If only it had been real.

But just as they expected, Clarice and Aaron made their way over to Summer and Jake.

  “Hey Jake,” Clarice said, battling her fake long eyelashes at him. Aaron didn’t even notice.

  “So you must be Summer’s new boyfriend,” Aaron said with a little restraint. But even so, Summer could hear the little bit of jealousy clear in his tone.

  “Yes,” Jake smiled dazzlingly, “I am Jake.”

  “Aaron,” And they shook hands. Didn’t anyone else fine this a tad bit awkward other than Summer?

  “So,” Clarice said, a little annoyed that Jake didn’t acknowledge her, “how are you, Jake?”

  “Fine,” He replied bluntly and snaked an arm around Summer waist, pulling her close to him. 

  Clarice tried not to be affected by his affectionate gesture to Summer, but jealousy was clear on her face.

  “The food is good,” Summer started, “Have you guys tried it?”

  “Of course,” Clarice said, overly sweetly. “Have you tried the Caesar salad? It’s incredibly low-fat.” 

  Jake tensed up next to Summer and he breathed deeply, trying to control his anger. Did she just try to imply Summer was fat? “Summer isn’t fat.” He said. Summer, who had her arm around Jake’s waist also, tighten her grasp and snuggled closer to him, trying to calm him down.

  Clarice opened her mouth but closed it, looking like a fish after she did it several times, obviously noticing her small mistake. She screwed up. “I wasn’t trying to say that,” She quickly said with a nervous laugh.

  “Which table is the Caesar salad at?” Summer said, feeling Jake relax a little bit next to her. And she felt her heartbeat slow down, thankfully. She didn’t like it when Jake was mad. “Would you show me?”

  Clarice opened her mouth and closed it, doing that fish thing again, surprised at Summer’s sudden kindness. Had she had the wrong impression of Summer before? “Oh, um, of course,” Clarice said, unwrapping herself from Aaron, “follow me.”

Luckily, the buffet table where the salads were placed was all the way across the room, far from where they were previously chit-chatting at. Summer quickly helped herself with a bowl of salad before turning to face Clarice, who was standing next to her.

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