Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

From a distance they could already see the paparazzi swarming the area. It was a Friday; more people. It was a good day to get noticed, that’s for sure. They pulled in the drop-off area and the club security quickly came to usher them out the limo. Flashes of lights blinded Summer, who was totally unused to this. 

  “Stay close to me,” Jake whispered in her ear to remind her as he snaked an arm tightly around her waist. He skillfully guided them into the club, with the rest of their gang following them behind. 

Once they were inside, it got less crazy. There were well-dressed people everywhere and waiters walking around, serving fresh cocktails and little appetizers. It was huge, that’s one. The deco of the place was the best Summer had ever seen. Obviously, the deco was about Poseidon, with fake but very real-looking seaweeds crawling up round pillars; gleaming gold-coated tridents hung up on walls and more.

A waitress led them to a table in the middle with Jake’s name on a card on it. The middle area was where most of the tables and chairs were strategically placed and surrounding them were tables of buffets, laden with food and served by waiters. And the remaining open space that surrounded the buffet area was just tall tables where people could have small talk and chit chat around with and put their drinks on.

The atmosphere, surprisingly, was calm yet sophisticated. Would you even call this a club? It partially reminded Summer of Cloud 9, her favourite club and the place where she met Jake. She smiled, thinking of that memory. Some jazzy music sung by some husky voiced singer was playing in the air.

They quickly ordered their food and started conversing with each other.

  “We’ll definitely appear on tomorrow’s paper,” Cam grinned cheekily.

  “Jake Dawson and his new girl,” Zach said in a deep voice, dragging the word ‘new’, like those reporters on television, sending Havana into a fit of laughter.

  “I don’t know about you guys but,” Dani began, “I am starving.”

  “And the food here is absolutely flawless,” Cam finished.

  “Come on then,” Dani smiled, “Let’s dig in!”

All of them dispersed from the table to the long buffet tables surrounding them. Summer found herself at a table which served sushi. She mentally cheered. She loved sushi. She grabbed a plate and started to have her share of Japanese sushi.

  “Wait, is that you, Summer?” Summer nearly dropped her plate at that voice. She must have been so immersed into her food she didn’t take note of him standing opposite her, on the other side of the sushi table. Her breathing became ragged as she whipped her head up to face him. Dashing, as always, Summer thought, much to her displeasure. He wore a black suit and looked as good as ever.

  “Aaron,” Her voice came out softly…weakly and laced with surprise. Aaron flashed her one of his signature smiles and she stiffened.

  “Hey it’s been some time,” Aaron started, “how’ve you been?”

  Mentally unstable, heartbroken, stone cold; different; all the things Summer could’ve said. “Alright,” She managed a small smile, deciding she doesn’t want to be his best friend. 

  Aaron noticed of course. They dated long enough for Aaron to be able to tell when Summer was happy, sad…angry. “Summy honey,” Summer’s heart nearly melted at the sound of his nick name for her, she could just fall back into his trap, right then and there, she felt. “You know I am sorry for what I did.”

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