Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

  “What do people even do at masquerades?” Havana thought out loud. All three of them were currently standing in the ballroom hall of the Hilton Hotel, wearing their assigned dresses and masks, unrecognizable. Havana had worn a blue and white themed dress that had a lot of ruffles at the bottom. Amanda’s was purple and white that had a lot of embroidery. Safe to say, they all looked pretty damn awesome.

  “I don’t know.” Amanda shrugged, sipping some champagne that had been served. “There wasn’t any clue next on what to do other than to be here.”

  Summer pursed her lips, adjusting her mask, “I guess we should look around.”

  “But we can’t recognize anyone in these ma-” Havana stopped short of her sentence as her eyes widened at something. “Is that Danielle?!” She suddenly exclaimed. They followed her gaze to a brunette wearing a yellow dress and a matching yellow feathered mask. She was talking to some people they couldn’t recognize.

  “It’s hard to tell,” Amanda responded, squinting her eyes, “Easily everyone here is a brunette.”

  “It’s worth a try.” Summer said, shrugging and headed over to the supposed Danielle.

  “Summer!” Summer heard Havana call out to her but she already tapped the brunette on the shoulder.

  “Excuse me, Danielle?” Summer tried and the brunette in front of her narrowed her eyes at her.

  “I am sorry, I think you got the wrong person,” The brunette said in a thick British accent. Okay; definitely not Danielle.

  “Oh, sorry to bother you,” Summer quickly apologized, walking back to the two beauties, shaking her head. They dropped their shoulders and sighed.

  “So, what now?” Amanda said, but her question hung in the air as they continued to scan the room with their eye-lined eyes, trying to find at least someone they knew.


Danielle paced the room of unrecognizable people. This was it. She already spotted Havana, Amanda and Summer talking amongst themselves. Well, it wasn’t hard to spot three stunning ladies.

Danielle herself was dressed in something she knew her best friends couldn’t recognize her for. She was in a pale pink dress and she had her hair pulled up into a bun and covered mostly with netting to make the bun intact. Plus the mask and a thick hairband, she blended in perfectly with the crowd and they wouldn’t notice her for sure.

She had been one of the masterminds to the whole treasure hunt plan. The rest of the masterminds lurked around the ballroom, waiting for their cue and for their genius plan to unfold.

But her mind wandered. How did her best friends feel? Having expensive gifts handed over to them and knowing everything came from a secret admirer. She sighed. A secret admirer; nobody would ever like her. How she wished she was like her best friends, having guys fall at their feet without even trying.

I guess she was too lost in her deep thoughts because she bumped into a hard chest and she would have fell butt-first to the floor…if it weren’t for the pair of hands that held her, no matter how cliché that sounded.

She looked up into mesmerizing blue eyes. They looked like Jake’s! She relaxed slightly but then she noticed he had blonde hair. Jake didn’t have blonde hair if she recalled…

  “Are you okay?” He asked in a husky tone as Danielle tried to identify him.

  “I am fine,” She stood up properly but his hands were very well still on her waist. “Sorry.”

  “It’s okay,” He grinned. But still…those eyes…they were so familiar… “What’s your name?”

  Suddenly, from the corner of her eyes, she saw Cameron waving to her. It was time for the first part of the plan to commence. Her eyes darted between him and the mysterious stranger in front of her, “I-I have to go.”

Pulling away from his arms, she dashed off to her brother, slipping into the crowd. But she couldn’t stop thinking about those sea blue eyes…and those sparks…?


Havana scooped herself a glass of some orange liquid from a large glass bowl that was made out of frosted glass. She sipped it and nodded approvingly. What was this? It tasted sweet and funky. It definitely had a slight tint of alcohol in it, if she wasn’t wrong. Taking another appreciative sip, she turned to face the crowd of strangers again. Summer and Amanda were dancing with strangers in the middle of the room. Well, she didn’t because…well a certain someone was constantly re-appearing in her mind.

Then she thought, she was here because of some secret admirer. She stifled a gasp. How could she? She was already with Zach! Guilt drenched her heart immediately. She shouldn’t even be entertaining this so-called ‘secret admirer’. Suddenly the sweet orange drink didn’t seem so satisfying anymore.

Dragging her feet, she made her way to the dessert table, where all sorts of cakes, pastries and delicious finger foods were laid out temptingly. She saw some multi-colored macaroons; her favourite and she smiled slightly, about to grab a small plate to laden it with macaroons when a waiter suddenly appeared in front of her.

  “Here, miss,” He said, handing her an already laden plate of macaroons, much to her surprise. He gave her a courteous smile.

  “O-Oh,” Havana said, surprised, “Thank you.”

The waiter left her presence and she started eating the macaroons, curiously. That was weird. She was sure she was capable of taking a plateful of her favourite sweets. Slowly, she finished her plate of macaroons and was just about to load it once more when a small piece of paper lying amidst the crumbs on her plate caught her eye.

Curiously, she picked it up, shaking it slightly to rid of the macaroon crumbs that had fallen on it. It was a small and the font wasn’t very big, but cursive. She read the note curiously.

  ‘To Havana,

              Hope you liked the macaroons. I know they’re your favourite. Meet me at Ballroom 2.

                                                                                                                  Watching you from afar, your secret admirer.’

Havana gaped at the message. So that’s why the waiter had specifically given her this plate of macaroons. Biting her lip and sighing, she made a decision at last. Taking one last look at her best friends dancing away, she left the ballroom discreetly.


Hey there people :D

Its 22.12 and I am still alive :p anyways, MASQUERADE TIME :D managed to write yesterday for a bit and today to make it for an upload!

another 5 more chappies to go!

Julia :)

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