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    Hosu? Isn't this where Stain said he'd be this week? Well this isn't good. Of course Stain is his target. Maybe I can get a diversion from Shigiraki.

    As I'm thinking that a Nomu comes from nowhere. Well thanks Shiggy. While they are dealing with this I'll... Was that Iida slipping into an alleyway? What the hell does he think he's doing?

    " Hey I think I just saw the zoomy boy from class go into that alley." I whisper to Todoroki.

   " His name is Iida. Let's go figure out what he's up to." He turns and goes to leave but Endeavor sees him.

    " Where do you think you're going? The fight is this way." He yells.

   " One of my classmates might be heading for trouble." He continues to run towards the alley that we passed a while ago and Endeavor groans. He says something about rebellious kids the tells me to follow him to back him up. I nod and do as I'm told.

    When I get to the alley I see Stain fighting Todoroki and Iida is paralyzed on the ground. The hero Native is also paralyzed. I can tell that Todoroki isn't going to last long. Stain is getting closer and closer to him. As soon as I'm about to enter the alley Todoroki gets cut. Game over. He's falls into the ground as soon as Stains tongue grazes the blade.

   " Drats. I didn't get here in time." I look over to Stain and he nods.

    We had just sat down for a break from training as the sun began to disappear behind the buildings.

   " I leave for field training soon. I'm going to go work under Endeavor and knowing him he will be coming after you. So if I see you and I'm told to fight I will have to."

    " Well then be glad we've had these sessions. If we hadn't there is a good chance I would kill you."

    " What I'm saying is if that comes to pass don't let them know we know each other. I can't have my cover blown. They know me as the son of a villain but they don't know I hang around villains by choice."

    " I get what you're saying. I won't let your little friends know we know each other."

    " Another one eh. You seem to have a lot of friends don't you."

    " Takahashi run. This isn't your fight." Iida yells towards me.

    " You're the idiot that went after this nutcase. Plus Endeavor told me to back Todoroki up." I saw Stain hold back a laugh at the nutcase part.

    " Listen to me Takahashi. I think his quirk has something to do with blood. The moment he licked mine I was paralyzed." Oh so we have a Sherlock.

    " Stop your yammering already. Come on kid. Give it all that you've got." I smiled. He said those words to me so many times.

    " No blades. Let's go bare hands and see who holds out the longest." He looked shocked. " Either that or toss me a blade."

    " Takahashi what do you think you're doing? You're crazy."

    " Shut up Todoroki. I know what I'm doing." I snapped as Stain tossed me a blade.

    " How did that work?" Iida looked shocked.

    " I'm not holding back kid." The left side of his mouth lifted some so I knew he was lying to me. He wants to play.

    " Whatever. Let's dance Stainy boy." I spun the blade a few times as I walked forward. I heard Todoroki say something about me being crazy. Iida responded about something along the lines of father's genes.

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