Stay Away from what's mine

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    Me and Bakugou was at the entrance. It seems that most of the class was there now. Iida, our class rep, had escaped to go get the teachers. Hurry up and end this Shigiraki. You know it's hard for me to not fight.

    Not long after that thought All Might decided that it was time to show up. Dang it now Shigiraki will stay. The itch to fight is going to get worse now that All Might is here.

     My leg began to get jumpy. I tried to calm it but it was too hard. All Might was now in a position to be killed and I'm not there to deliver the final blow.

    Ice froze the Nomu and Bakugou was on top of Kurogiri. When did those two leave my side?


    " Make one more move and I'll blast you away." I'm not sure why the barkeep is a villain but I don't want to hurt him if Hide relies on him for a place to stay.  I turned to All Might who is now standing. Based on what I heard Aizawa say earlier he doesn't have much time. " FINISH IT."

    He didn't need to be told twice. He started to pummel the Nomu nonstop. Soon it was going through the roof. All Might may be a weak old man most of the time but when he's in his All Might form he is amazing.

    Oof. What just happened? What is Hide doing on top of me? Why is Yukio glaring at him through a hand that is on his face.

    " What the hell was that for? You're letting the barkeep get away." I snap at the small boy that was now standing between me and the owner of the bar.

    " You were about to be killed. While you were too busy staring at All Might he was making a move to use his quirk on you." What the hell is he talking about.

    " I thought you didn't like them. Why would you try and save one?" Yukio's voice rasped out. Didn't like us? I'm assuming he means me and All Might. I knew he didn't like All Might and the saving is obviously me.

    " Because he is my friend." The bar owner laughed.

    " That rich. You can't change teams in game. The settings don't allow it. Come on we both know how you really feel. " Does this kid really hate me? What have I done to make him hate me.

    " And you knew the agreement. Stay away from what's mine and I wouldn't rat you out."

    " You knew they were villain?" Kirishima? When did he get here?

    " Of course I did. I live with them." My head is beginning to spin.

    " Did you say what's yours? The only thing that's yours is that quirk. Everything else is free game for me. Now step out of the way so I can finish this." A second later and Shigiraki is on the ground clutching his leg. Was he just shot?

    " I'll see you later Hide. Come on let's get you medical attention." And now their gone.

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