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     Ok so I'm not dead. Yeah good way to start off a chapter. Tell the world you once again failed to die. Guess that's the life of a main character.

Ahem. Fourth wall much

    Oh sorry. So anyways he didn't kill me, obviously. All he did was mildly scold me about how I should respect his authority and yadda yadda yadda. I start training with Kurogiri tomorrow on how to not only use my quirk but how to fight without it as well. Mentioned that there is a guy out there with a quirk to put an end to your quirk by looking at you. Of course I know him. He is in Hero Analysis number 3.

    Right now though I'm going out to retrieve those. Tomura leant me his jacket because, guess what, the hospital alerted the police to my disappearance already. This means I have to be careful cause Kurogiri can only put me somewhere if he knows the coordinates. I already figured that out at the hospital though.

    He dropped me off behind a grocery store near my school. Based on the time they should release class soon so I have to hurry. This is the pick up spot and once school lets out kids like to hang around this place.

    I make my way to the place I called home for long, obviously can't anymore because I am definitely not momma's little boy anymore.

    Once I arrive I go around back and find the window to my old room. Thank goodness I leave the window unlocked. I open it and sneak inside. My backpack is sitting near the door. The police must have given it to her after the fall. Oh well I need to use it.

    I open it up and start shoving all of the hero analysis notebooks into the small bag. I grab a few more notebooks incase I need them in the future. I take one last look around my old room before sliding out the window.

    Right after I close it the bedroom door opens. I jump into a nearby bush just before the window is slammed open. Mom looks around for the person who obviously just snuck out of the house. After a minute of me holding my breath she sighs and gives up her search. That was too close. Guess I can't take my normal route back to the grocery store.

    Great, school let out while I was hiding. Now I have to wait until they all leave and hopefully not get seen. As I'm waiting around the corner I catch a conversation that was worth the wait.

    " I sure hope they catch Midoriya. At this rate he may become a villain." At this rate I already have.

    " That damn nerd would never become a villain." Ah so the annoying Kaachan is here today.

    " Are you so sure about that. The failed jump may have messed up his brain a little. You even said he got the nerve to yell at you. Something definitely is wrong up there."

    " I thought I said before that we don't talk about Deku. He's not worth our time. As long as he doesn't die it doesn't matter." Wow you got some big boy shorts huh. Just because I'm quirkless I ain't worth your time eh Kaachan?

    " You just seemed a little disturbed when the newscaster said he was kidnapped from his room."

    " I'M NOT WORRIED OK." It's taking everything in me to not jump in on the conversation. If I do my cover is blown and I still don't have complete faith in my new quirk to fight him.

     " Geeze man. Ok we won't talk about him. The UA exams is coming up soon. How do you feel?" I bet he's going to say something about it being too easy.

    " Hah too easy. There's no way I will fail the exam." What'd I tell ya?

    Ten minutes of random rambling later and the store was once again slow. Finally I can leave. I couldn't while people were here cause I could have gotten caught. Well this was an eventful trip.

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