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    What the hell just went on? Before I could even ask Hide stomped away from me all the way to the exit. He didn't even let the heroes stop him on his trek out of the USJ.

    " Come on Bakugou. Cementos wants us to go and wait with the others." Kirishima was holding out his hand for me to take. Why does this feel familiar? Why does this feel like a defining moment for our relationship? Like if I don't take up his offer to help it would lead to a downward spiral.

    I ended up taking his hand and letting him pull me up. I know why cementos wants us to go. If we don't All Might's try form will be revealed to us. Cementos wants to hide it from the kids. I need to go find Hide.

    " Let's go find him. I need to know something and only he has the answer." Kirishima nodded.

*The time wizard has given us a skip*

    We find him in the bathroom applying some makeup. He really is gay isn't he? He's muttering something about the green becoming visible again. What is he talking about and why is he using color changing contacts?

    " Where is Midoriya?" He smiles.

    " I knew it was a matter of time before you asked that."

     " Are you two talking about that kid who tried to commit suicide?" Shut up Kirishima.

    " Yeah we are and thanks to our little chat while he was drunk I know all about why the poor kid decided to jump." I look down in shame. I can feel the red heads eyes on me. I bet I know what he's thinking.

    " Bakugou you didn't did you?"

    " Enough about the drunk tales. To answer your question I don't know where Midoriya is. All I know is he's not coming back. He left shortly after you and your father came to the bar."

    " But he's been leaving me notes." How can he be gone?

    " I don't know what to tell ya. Those are probably old and you're just now finding them. I'm not coming over today. I'm going back cause I have to have a talk with Yukio. See you later." He shoved past me and left again.

Midoriya is gone for good. How is Bakugou going to deal with this?

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