All Mights Message

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    " Welcome back. Looks like you did a little shopping while you were out. So what intel did you get during your shopping trip?"

     " Well I heard from someone when I got to the main street that my case was being closed. They were going to report me as dead. Then I went to the station and sat outside of the officer's window. All Might and Kaachan is allowed to work my case until the end of next month. Also All Might has a weakened form that makes him look like an old man and he is taking a teaching position at UA.

     Since I plan on going out more I ran to the store to get a disguise. A little hair dye and make-up. I also left my dear old friends a little message. " I said ending with a smirk.

    The tv suddenly turned on. Looks like Master's awake. It looks like my message was discovered as well. It's all over the screen.

    " A ton of people have gathered to view this message from All Might." The camera panned over the crowed and I recognized a few people. Kaachan, a few other classmates, and All might. " The message is telling everyone to give up on their dreams. The main question we here at the station are asking is, has the Symbol of Peace given up on us all."

    " Ha they actually think he put that. It's just what he said to me. I was just letting him know I remember. This is rich. Look at Kaachan's face. He looks terrified." I point out who Kaachan is to the others. He's looking towards all might go gauge his reaction. All might looks worries.

    " Are you sure you ever really wanted to be a hero? I looks like you've been planning All Might's fall for a while." Shigiraki almost sounded impressed.

    " I have one question about the spray paint. That's near the general store. If you bought the paint and then used it right after the owner could simply tell the police it was you. Did you think of that?" Kurogiri out to ruin my fun.

    " I'm too young to buy it myself anyways so I payed someone else to buy it and they gave it to me after I carved the note for Kaachan." I'm not stupid.

    " The boy thought of everyth.... Did you say carve?" I nodded.

    " Secret Messages from I. It's the way I sent him messages as a grade schooler." They mumbled something while nodding

    " All Might just arrived on scene. It looks like the crowd is attacking him." Bwahahahsha he thought an angry mob wouldn't happen.

    " Well that's enough enjoyment for me. I'm going to go figure out how to use this stuff. You two keep me updated on whether or not he survived the mob." And with that I make my grand exit.

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