A Little Sherlock

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Bakugou's POV

Entrance exams are beginning to start for various schools. UA's is in a few days.( I'm exercising my rights as a fanfic writer for the story.) If I get in, no when I get in, I'll be one step closer to achieving my goal.

Deku still hasn't been found. I have heard tell from the police that they may just pronounce him as killed by villains. I'm not sure but I thought I saw a flash of his green hair a few days ago at the general store. I almost went to check it out but I was worried I was wrong.

I must admit, it is boring without him. If this was one of those weird shows on tv he would probably be the main character. He's certainly got the proper back story. Different from the rest of the world, like the chosen one. Worst of luck sort of deal. And me, I would probably be labeled as the bully.

But if this was a stupid show Deku wouldn't have jumped in the first place. If this was a show someone would come up and save him in the end. He would be here challenging me. He would be working to defeat the bully. But this isn't a show. This is real life and in real life problems aren't magically solve so heroes come to solve the problems. Maybe if All Might was there he would have saved Deku.

That's why I'm here at the police station. I'm here to try and get them to let me work behind the scenes to try and find the main character. Instead of the main character coming to challenge the bully the bully is going to go and make the main character challenge them.

" He's ready to see you now." It's time for the bully to have his redemption arch.

* Time Skip because your author is lazy*

" I can't let you do that. He may have been your friend but if I let an outsider work a case that is about to close it would be going against regulations." Screw regulations. I need to properly apologize.

A commotion is heard outside. The secretary is heard telling someone to wait. A second later an elderly, weak, old man is slamming open the door.

" You can't close the Midoriya case." Who the fuck is this guy. Why does he care about the damn nerd. " Oh you had someone in here."

" Why are you both so interested in this case?"

" I may have something to do with his little fall." We both say at the same time. What the fuck did this old man do?

" Ok you seem like a jerk so I'm not going to question you but All Might? What did you do?" All Might?

" I may have been on the roof with him. And he asked me something. I gave him an answer he probably didn't want. I didn't want to give him false hope."

" I don't care what that old man has to do with this. I want to find him. The UA exam is in a few days and I want a clear conscience when I get in." The officer rolled his eyes.

" Fine whatever. You can work with All Might to find the boy. But if you guys can't find him by the end of the school year I will close this case."

" Thank you. That's all the time I'll need."

" Oh and Bakugou, this form of his is a secret. Keep it that way. You both have less time then you think. All Might with your teaching and Bakugou, if you get into UA you will need to study a lot."

" There's no if about it. I will get in." I say before grabbing the case file he held out. Well I guess I'm working with Weak Might.

Ohoho All Might and Bakugou are teaming up.

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