Sort out your thoughts

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The door opened causing me to tense up. It was bad enough that dunce face was seeing me like this. What is the other person going to think? Oh god is it that B student? I can't deal with him today.

I didn't bother to look up. It was too late anyways. I prepared for the taunting and teasing. I prepared for the laughter. I prepared for whatever negative thing would come my way. I didn't prepare for what came though.

" Come on you two. Let's go somewhere where people are less likely to walk in on you two." Aizawa? How did he know we were here?

" Come on Bakugou. It's probably better if we follow him. Anyone could have come through that door." Kaminari pulled me up and guided me while I hid my face.

" You're luck Kirishima was the one who found you two. Your class was looking for Kaminari. He's worried about you Bakugou. You should let him know what's bugging you."

" He knows exactly what's wrong." I snapped. Kaminari grabbed my shoulder.

" Don't snap at the teacher he's just trying to help."

" He can't help. It'll only make things worse if he knows."

" I know but that doesn't mean you need to get angry." He's right. My emotions are just out of control. I need to sort them out before anything else.

" I'm getting the feeling that this has something to do with Takahashi. Bakugou are you hiding information about Takahashi from me." I shook my head. If he knows that Midoriya is Takahashi this could be bad. Midoriya would never be able to return. I have to keep it a secret. Well as much of a secret as it can be at this point. " Is he lying to me Kaminari?"

" Not that I know of." Thank god I didn't tell him that part. All he knows is that Midoriya is a villain. Not which villain he is.

" Ok. Well you guys can stay here until school is over." He let us into an empty classroom then left. This isn't over. I know I'm not off the hook.


" And then he broke down in front of me." I just got done explaining what happened to Dabi.

" Damn. That's rough. So what are you going to do now? I'm sure watching your former bully break down done something to you." He's right.

Ever since he left I have been able to get the look of him broken out of my head. I thought I would love the feeling of seeing him in pain just like I was but I don't. The old me is saying that I should feel terrible and deep down I do but I also don't want to stop.

I want to continue to cause pain because I want people to know how I felt. What better way to do that than to take away the one thing everyone loves. Take away the symbol and the world will feel that same pain.

" What do I plan to do next? I plan to break the pillar that is holding the world together. Cause chaos that will take a while to restore. After that I'll make the biggest decision I will ever make."

" And that is?"

" Will I stay here or go? It depends on how I feel then. If I still feel like a piece of shit I'll leave. If not I'm staying right here." He nodded.

" Well then best of luck to ya kiddo." He ruffled my hair and left me alone in my room. He knew I needed to sort out my thoughts if I was to go along with my plans. So that's exactly what I'm going to do.


I closed the door behind me and sighed. That poor kid isn't going to be able to make it as a villain much longer unless he completely snaps and I hope he doesn't. He shouldn't be here in the first place. He's only here because he can dig up a lot of information on pretty much anybody.

The look in his eyes after I asked what he was going to do, it is one I'm used to seeing. He is fighting with himself. He doesn't want to do this but he feels like he needs to prove something to someone. He thinks that if he doesn't no one will understand him. He wants people to know how broken he is. He wants them to feel his pain and realize that that's what he has been dealing with.

" Hey Dabi, what's on your mind?" Toga skipped up to me.

" It's nothing important. Tell crusty boy that I'm going for a walk. Ok?"

" Sure. Do you want some company? It's been forever since I've left the bar."

" You went outside yesterday for almost two hours and you complained the entire time." I had a massive headache when we got back. She can be so annoying.

" Fine." She Pouted and skulked off to go bug someone else.

I grabbed a hoodie and left the bar through my window because I'm dramatic like that. Making my way down town I spaced out to get lost in my thoughts. So I didn't notice someone who was standing in the middle of the sidewalk and I walked into him.

" Oof. Hey watch where you are going." The person said.

" Sorry I was distra..." I had looked up to apologise and I noticed who it was.

" Whatever I was too." I don't think that hair could be forgotten.

" I take it it was something Taka said yesterday?" He froze.

" How?"

" I know a thing or two about the kid. Right now he's dealing with the same thing as us and most likely that Bakugou kid."

" So you know?" I nodded.

" Yep. Well I've got to go. See you later Sho'. " I turned around. If he is sorting out thoughts too then I shouldn't bother him.

" Touya?" I flinched.

" Please don't call me that." I continued to walk.

" Dabi? Why are you randomly walking down the street?"

" Taka needed space to sort out his feelings. When you pushed him to reveal himself yesterday Bakugou was there. He heard and he, well he didn't take it very well." I turned around and saw Shoto's reaction.

" So that's why he was different today. He heard our conversation? Wait why was he there in the first place. I made sure no one followed me."

" He has been to the bar before. He came to drink according to the crusty leader and he let him. According to him it was time for Takahashi to stop playing around and focus on the main goal." At least it's just us on this street.

" What's the main goal?"

" Now I can't tell you that. Only members of the league can know." I could tell him. I just don't want to.

" I guess I understand that." His phone buzzed, drawing his attention away from me. I quickly slipped away and went back to the bar.

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