A little training

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    Well I was not expecting this. What is he doing here? Someone as interesting as him shouldn't even want to be around small time villains as us.

    " You didn't tell me you had a child. Tell me kid, are you following in your useless dad's footsteps?" Heh?

    " Listen Stain, Shigiraki here isn't my father. The only reason I'm here is plain and simple. There are some people that have pushed me over the edge and they need to pay. Either by feeling complete and total despair or something a little more permanent." The hero killer gave me a creepy smile and then laughed. He leaned on his sword to hold himself up until he got control of himself.

    " I like you kid. You have a goal and I can see how much you want to succeed. How about I offer you a little help with that? Say a little training in hand to hand combat?" Now that sounds exciting. I get to have a little fun while learning something useful.

    " How about some blade action as well? Would really come in handy."

    " Hang on a second. He may not be my son but he still works under me. What about my say in the matter?" There goes Shiggy trying to control everything again. I roll my eyes and turn towards him.

    " Look at it this way. If I accept his offer I will get more training in and learn more about fighting. I have already learned all of Kurogiri's moved and can defend against them easily. I need a challenge so I can improve. Also no matter what you say I'm still going. So either give me permission to go or look like even more of a fool by not being able to control your men." I've already learned how to get Shigiraki to let me do most of what I want.

    " I was going to give you permission anyways you brat. I just wanted you guys to know that I still have a say when it comes to dealing with my workers." There it is. He played the, I'm doing this because I want to, card. He is so easy to read.

    " Good. Hey portal put me back where you found me. Bring the kid too. Training starts shortly after we arrive so grab whatever you need."

Time Skip god's have blessed us

    It's been about three hours of training now. I have gotten to where I can read his movements and respond in the proper manner. He has taught me how to move my body in a way that is difficult to touch. He even let my hold his blades which was cool.

    " I better go or I won't be able to get tonight's kill in. I assume you've got that portal guy's number?" I nodded and pulled out my phone.

    " Thank you sir. It was an honor to learn from you." I say while looking for the right contact. Giran gave me several for "emergencies" and put them under the name of their quirks. I don't know why I'd ever need a guy who makes fishing poles from his fingernails but I have him.

    " Hey who said you're done learning from me. I've got a lot more to teach you. I'm going to pick you up tomorrow too."

    " I'll be prepared then. Have fun killing Stain."

    He kept his promise and picked me up the next day after school. The day after that too. This went on until I had to leave for my field study. By that point we could read each other's attacks before they were even put into play. I had also gotten pretty good with his blades, which I learned he uses for his quirk along with the killing. He's a pretty fun guy once you get down to it. Tomorrow I'm going to meet another interesting guy.

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