Hide Takahashi

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    Oh my head is killing me. Why is someone slamming doors this early in the morning. What's that heavenly smell.

    A tray with a note on it beside the Hangover Breakfast. Oh so I got drunk. Makes sense. Based on my phone it's almost time for me to leave for school.

Thanks for the apology Kaachan but you're not forgiven. Not until you pay

    " Might want to hurry and eat. You need to leave soon. A kid came in while you were drunk last night. Told me to give you that note and make that meal for you." It was the kid I saw last night. I remember a challenge and then I draw a blank.

    " Where am I?" I asked.

    " My room. You were too drunk and your father is too weak to carry you so he entrusted you to me. Now eat and leave. I have school too." I quickly wolfed down the food. I can't stay too long. While getting dressed, somehow my clothes got here, I heard talking.

    " You know what you have to do?" It was that guy, Yukio I think. What's he doing at Hide's house?

    " Yes I am aware of my task. I will get it done. You can count on me. Don't have too much fun without me." Something is off. Hide isn't doing anything bad is he?


    I get in a UA uniform. That's right, I'm a student in the hero course. I was told by Master that I need to do whatever I can to infiltrate UA. So Operation Infiltration is a go.

    " Come in Bakugou. We need to go." I hollerd down the hall. He dashed out of the room.

    " You're in UA too?" I nodded. As long as I don't get too close to the students it'll be easy to betray them. As far as I know I'm in Class A with home room teacher Aizawa. Name Hide Takahashi. Quirk Shadow Manipulation.

    " Let's go. See you later Yukio. Make sure to do your work too." I wave goodbye to him and pulled Bakugou out of the bar. Time to go to the school for heroes as a villain. The rush I feel is exhilarating.

Deku the traitor. Nice ring to it.

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