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    Not too long after that Takahashi walked off. Why did he even come out here in the first place? Was it just to stop the red haired weirdo from saying something? If so then how did he know?

    " I don't think you will find Deku. At least not the one you're looking for." What the hell is he talking about? Of course I'll find the nerd.

    " I'll find him shitty hair, and when I do I'm going to pull him right back here and make him become the hero he wanted to be." He just shook his head and started to head to the school.

    " Go home Bakugou. Go home and rest. Tomorrow when you aren't so tired I'll start helping you. You might not like what you find though." Why is he dead set on me not getting what I want. It's aggravating. " I'll tell our teachers that you weren't feeling well so you went home."

    He left no room to argue and I was too tired to fight him on this. So I went back home. My father was shocked to see me back so soon but didn't question it. I went straight to bed and didn't wake up till the next day.


    It's not going to be long before he pieces everything together. I don't think Kirishima is going to last much longer either. Well the way I see it I can either reveal myself or wait for Bakugou to do it for me.

    If I revealed myself Shigiraki will get angry but I get to see Bakugou's reaction. If I wait then I have to listen to long speech about how he figured it out. Common main character action. What to do, what to do?

    I guess I can't always have fun. Of course I haven't had much fun lately anyways. All of this acting is getting annoying plus it's a hassle to get up early every morning to apply the make up and go to school. How do the girls in this class do it?

     You know what? I'll keep this act up a bit longer. After all field study starts at the end of the month and there is one person on my list that I am just dying to meet.

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