Let loose

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    I knew Bakugou would get into Class A. I recognized a few from my exam. For instance there is Tokoyami and Kirishima. Jirou also had the same exam. Kirishima recognized me.

    " Hey Takahashi my man. Wicked quirk. Glad you made it. Who's your friend?"

    " We're not really friends. We just both went out to celebrate last night and well now we're here." I gauged Bakugou's reaction. He didn't seem to care.

    " Were you celebrating making it into UA?"

    " The life of a couple of people." He seemed to understand and stopped talking about it.

    After a few minutes a giant yellow blob appeared at the doorway. The blob is moving. Should I attack. Wait. THE BLOB IS A MAN!

    Turns out the teacher is just lazy. Mornings man, I'm telling ya they suck. Our teacher, Mr. Aizawa, is giving us a quirk assessment test

* Time Skip to the test*

    The test were simple. For the ball throw, since we were told to use out quirk however we want, I formed my shadow into a baseball bat and hit the ball as far as it would go.

    For the race I decided to play dirty to win against that Mineta kid. I used my quirk to cause his shadow to grab his foot and trip him at the start. I beat him obviously.

    The rest of the test my quirk wasn't too helpful. So I used it to basically give me a tiny boost however I could. The strength one it only gave me a little more strength. The side to side, tiny elevated platforms. So on and so fourth.

     In the end I didn't do too bad. I got 14th out of 20. Not too bad but not great. Perfect for my position here.

    " You didn't do too bad Hide." I almost forgot that I was undercover and asked him why he didn't call me Deku. " So that kid who gave you the note, did he have green hair and freckles?" I nodded. " If you see him again tell him that Kaachan wants to talk."

    " Ok I will. So what do you think of the group? A few of these people might be formidable opponents. Well for me at least. Your quirk, works like Nitroglycerin right? I'm assuming of course. Explosives are interesting to research and you are an explosive. Care if I research you?" I couldn't help but tease him.

    " What the fuck? Why would you think that way?" I laughed.

    " Take a joke. You're way too serious. Save the seriousness to finding Deku but when at school let loose a bit or come to the bar some. Enjoy your life because one day it may turn upside down." And with that I leave. Let that stir in your head a bit.

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