Time Off [2] - Bucky Barnes

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[E/C] - your eye colour    

Tony glanced at you with an uneasy look. You looked dangerous. Taking into account that you had trained since you were four and you had the ability to manipulate and create weapons, you were even more dangerous. He had never seen your rage---he doubted anyone on the team had. You were always this cheery person who nobody could hate.

The battlefield was a different story though. You were always strong, calm, and collected. Sometimes you'd even crack a warm smile at the enemy. The loving smile would catch the enemy off guard, and you took the chance to take them down---never dead, just unconscious. You were never the one to kill. You were known to be forgiving to those you thought deserved it. You forgave Bucky when you found out that he was being controlled. You forgave Loki after getting him to open up to you. You didn't forgive Ultron or Hydra. They didn't deserve it.

"Do you two understand?" You growled at Bucky and Tony. Bruce stood back watching the scene unfold. The two quickly nodded, not wanting to provoke you more. You caught Bruce's eye which was filled with amusement and sent him a smile. He returned it and mumbled something about going to the lab before leaving the room.

"[Y/N], let me help you to your room," Bucky said, making his way to you. You nodded with a small smile.

He helped you up as Tony mumbled, "Just kiss already." You sent a glare his way and he only smirked in response. You glanced at Bucky who was blushing furiously. You sighed as you stood up straight.

"There's a debriefing for---what happened?" Steve entered the training room, looking at you with concern.

You smiled softly and answered, "An injury. Nothing big." You waved your hand.

"How did that happen?" Steve asked, gesturing to your foot. Bucky looked down sheepishly, his face a violent shade of red.

"I did that," Bucky said in a small voice. Steve looked at him and shook his head.

"It's fine," Steve said, "I was here to tell all of you that there is a briefing for a mission, but I guess you two are gonna be hanging back while the rest of us go." Your eyes snapped up and Bucky's head came up slowly. He blinked his eyes at Steve.

"The two of us?" Bucky asked. He looked down at you and you looked up at him. You didn't want to be the reason why he stayed behind.

"Someone has to take care of her," Steve said, pointing at you. You furrowed your eyebrows.

"I can take care of myself," you argued, "Bucky can---"

"It's fine," Bucky spoke, "I'll stay behind." You looked up at him with an apologetic look.

"The mission shouldn't be that bad," Steve assured you. "If anything, Dr. Banner is coming with us and we'll call it a code green." You were still wary of the idea, but knowing that neither of them would change their minds---their stubborn asses---you agreed.

**Time Skip ~brought to you by 'Who the hell is Bucky?'~**

"What are you doing, doll?" Bucky asked frantically, putting the take out bag on the counter. He walked to the chair you were standing on and frowned. "You're supposed to be in bed."

You looked down at him and shifted, making him put his hands on the side of your knee so you didn't fall. You placed your hands on his shoulder and smiled.

"I was trying to get my book and besides I'm---"

"You're not fine," he said with a strict voice. "Don't say you're fine." He shook his head as you frowned. "I know you don't like to tell others when your hurting, doll," he said softly, "I know that." A sharp pain went through your leg making you screw up your face and shift your weight onto your other leg. Bucky looked at you with concern. "What?" he asked, cupping your cheek with his hand.

"It hurts," you whispered. He immediately nodded and picked you up bridal style, carrying you to your bed.

You sat up, against the backboard, while Bucky sat across from you. The two of you started talking for hours. Talking about random things. Like the time you punched Steve, giving him a black eye, when he popped out from the corner, scaring you. Or the time that Bucky broke a door by accident and Tony couldn't figure out how it broke since JARVIS wouldn't tell him. Or the time you beat Clint at archery by one point and he wouldn't come out of his room for days. The hours slip by without you noticing. You and Bucky had shifted and sat next to each other under the blanket. You and he start yawning.

You glanced at the time. It was nearly midnight. You snuggled closer to Bucky, feeling him tense and then relax. He slung his flesh arm around your shoulders while you grasped his metal arm. You felt him tense again as you traced small flowers on it. You looked up at him and met his blue eyes. You notice, for the first time, that there are grey flecks in them. You found yourself loving his eyes more with each second.

It was silent now.

He watched you before letting his gaze drop to your lips. He snapped his eyes back up to your [E/C].

"We should get some sleep," he whispered, cheeks turning red. You nodded, a bit disappointed. He started to get up before you let out a small hiss. Your legs were on top of his legs. He started mumbling a bunch of 'Sorry's, telling you he totally forgot about your legs being over his. You calmed him down before gently lifting your legs off with his help. He untangled himself from the blanket and made his way to the door. He whispered a 'Goodnight' as he opened the door.

"Goodnight," you said back with a smile. He stepped out of the room and sent a lazy grin which you returned.

"It hurts a lot," you mumbled as Bucky closed the door. You let the smile drop from your mouth and bit your lip. The pain was creeping up your leg and it hurt. A lot. You wanted a painkiller, but Bruce said no as he left. You didn't know why he said no, but Bucky made sure to hide all the painkillers anyway, knowing that you would want one---or some.

You bit your lip, trying not to cry at the pain. This worked for about an hour. Then a sob came out. You clapped a hand over your mouth, hoping that Bucky hadn't heard.

"Are you alright, Miss [Y/S]?" JARVIS' voice echoed around your room. "You seem to be in distress. Shall I call Mr. Barnes?" You think over it.

"If he wakes up, you can. Otherwise don't disturb him." Your voice is rough, but JARVIS understood you perfectly.

"Duly noted. Anything else, Miss [Y/S]?"

"No, thank you," you answered, hoarsely.

A few moments later, you heard your door opening. Prepping yourself up on your elbows, you see Bucky stepping through.

"JARVIS said that you were, um, crying?" He said the statement like a question, but you both knew that was the truth. You nodded anyway.

To be continued...

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