Universal Crush [4] - Bucky Barnes

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"It's gonna take a few days," Tony said to you with a lip tight smile. You looked up at him with a blank look on your face, chin resting on your hand. You tilted your head to the side slightly, nodding slowly. Your eyes trailed off of his face and scanned the lab. The arm he was working on before you interrupted was sitting just beside you. Bored as you were, you wouldn't touch his stuff without his permission.

"Can I work on the arm, please?" You asked politely, just as you would've in your universe. Tony looked at you, amusement clear on his face.

"You, Y/N, want to work on technology?" Tony sassed, pointing at you and then the arm. You pulled a confused face and let your hand drop to intertwine it with the other one. You leaned back into the chair, eyebrows furrowing and head tilting a little.

"Did I not like technology here?" It felt weird to you to say stuff about you in past tense, but you insisted to yourself that you didn't belong here. Whatever happened to you here was going to stay like that, even if you were here. So now, as you talked about your doppelgänger, you squirmed in your seat a little.

Tony shook his head and answered, "You hated it. I think that's why you got engaged to that hundred-year-old super-soldier." He looked back down at the hologram of the device, leaving you shocked.

"Wait, what? Me and Steve?" Tony looked back at you while Bruce came up beside you.

"Not Steve," he said in his soft voice. "Bucky."

This came as a bigger shock to you. In your universe, you hated each others guts and, here, you two were engaged. Although, you would be lying if you said that you didn't have a crush on him before the two of you exchanged colourful insults. You didn't even know what had started the hate.

"Oh," was all you could let roll off your tongue. You didn't know what to say—and that was super uncharacteristic of you. Steve seemed to notice that you felt uncomfortable and placed a hand on your shoulder. You looked up at him and smiled tiredly.

"Tell us about your... Universe," Bruce said, waving his tool around a little. You smiled, knowing that he was trying to make you feel comfortable.

"It's not much different." You shrugged and played with your ring. "I mean there are things that are, but only a few that I noticed."

"Like?" Steve asked, pulling his hand away from your shoulder.

"Well," you started, glancing at Tony, "I was adopted by the Starks just before their accident." Tony's head shot up to look at you. Your lips tightened as tears made their way to your eyes. "I've always had my powers while this—your Y/N was experimented on." Steve hummed and nodded, looking down, jaw clenched. You yawned and looked out the window.

The sun had gone down, stars twinkling in the dark sky. The crescent moon lit up the night sky with a white tinge. The trees in the distance made the whole scenery seem like out of a painting.

"I think we should all get some sleep," Steve announced, looking sternly at the three of you. His eyes lingered on you a little longer. "I'll show you to your room." You shook you let head in protest.

"No, I shouldn't stay here. I should—" Steve held up a hand, stopping whatever suggestion you had.

"It's fine," he said. "You're dead here and if the public sees you, it's going to cause chaos." You bit your lip and nodded.



The chirping of the occasional bird and the bright sun would wake anyone up, if they weren't already. You were wide awake, tossing around in the bed. It felt like something was missing. Something that you really needed right now.

But you didn't know what.

Deciding that it was because of the new universe, you got up and started to get dressed. The you from this universe had the same taste in clothes. You easily had gotten whatever you needed and left the room as soon as you could.


Bucky tossed around in his bed, unable to sleep knowing that you were in the room right next to him. He could hear you shuffling in the bedroom as you got ready, thanks to his enhanced hearing. He knew that you were tossing around in the bed, not able to get comfortable last night.

He wasn't able to sleep without you after you died. He was used to you being by his side, whispering in his ear or laughing at something he said sleepily. He wanted that all over again. When you fell into his balcony, he felt like he could get that all back.

But you were different. It was like you hated him, which you probably did. He was a bit of a jerk to you.

He swung his legs over the bed, deciding that his thoughts were drowning him and he didn't want that.


You headed to the lab, not sure where everyone was. You didn't want more people finding out that you were here. It wasn't something that you would want to explain to Natasha. She would probably kill you before you could even talk.

Tony and Bruce were already there, making you wonder whether they even got any sleep. When you walked in, Tony looked at you and raised an eyebrow.

"Didn't get enough sleep?" He asked you. You stifled a yawn and sat down at a stool, putting your head down in your arms on the table. "Got my answer." You couldn't see him but you knew that he had a cheeky smirk on his face.

"Stop smirking and got on with it," you mumbled. "Remember what Barnes said? "Get her away as soon as you can"."

"He didn't mean it," Steve's voice came from behind you. You picked up your head and looked over your shoulder at him.

"Whatever you say, Cap," you whispered, the emotions from yesterday bubbling up in your throat again.

"I didn't."


Second last chapter for this request! I love the ending, hopefully you guys do too.


Until next time!

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