A New Beginning - The Avengers

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Warnings: strong language, violence, mentions of death, use of injections, angst, fluff, a bit of jerk!Steve (he's trying)
Request: Little girl from Hydra? BY Gabbi11223
A/N: This was a blurb. Like the idea just sparked something and BOOM! This is here. Enjoy!

You reloaded the magazine and looked around the area, trying to figure out a way to the balcony doors.

Sixteen years of this shit and you still forgot the way around this base. It was just this one base that you had trouble memorising the paths and routes, ending in an argument with Madame B. She always loved to criticise you and this was one of the only things she could talk about now. Lucky for you, she wasn't around to lecture you anymore. Still running and cocking your gun, you turned sharply to the right, holding your gun up just in case. You kept moving because being still meant getting caught.

Always move.

You pulled to a stop, tipping your head back to examine the tile on the ceiling. It was tilted.There was something about this hallway that never sat quite right with you. Now you knew what it was. You slid your gun into your thigh holster and brought the little desk over from the wall, letting it make as much noise as it could—no one could hear anything over the loud wailing siren anyway. You jumped onto it with minimum noise and reached over your head to lift the tile. You pushed it away into the ceiling, revealing a long and narrow tunnel, big enough to fit you.

Confusion etched on your face as you grabbed onto the ledge and lifted yourself up and into it. You had to be on all fours when you were in there. You noticed the tally marks carved into the cement walls before finding a name. Natasha Romanoff. Below it was Clint Barton. Your eyebrows furrowed and you stopped, letting your fingers trace over the familiar name and foregin name.

You heard of Natasha a few times. Madame B used to talk about her all the time when you were young and naive. She bragged about how capable Natasha was, comparing everyone and anybody to her, making her seem like some sort of hero. And then Madame B stopped talking about her all in all. Natasha had disappeared without an explanation and you couldn't care less. Madame B took a liking for you and started training you specially. It took a while, but you finally defeated Madame B. She looked proud when she died.

You snapped out of your trance, pulling your fingers away sharply as if the names had burned you. You crawled your way to the ending and looked down at the opening. It was a subway you recognized from your last mission. You slowly opened it and jumped out when you knew no one was looking, walking and blending into the crowd as if you were always there.

"Hey!" Shit. You walked faster, blending further into the crowd when the voice called out to you again. You pulled up your hood and swiped a leather jacket from the bench without the owner noticing. You ran up the stairs, pushing past a few people. The voice called out your name again and this time, you ran across the busy street, dodging each incoming car easily and making it to the bookstore that caught your eye.

"Y/N!" You stopped at the door, faltering for just a moment, like everyone had told you not to. A sharp pain at your neck and you fell into darkness with a muttered curse aimed at your stupidity.

Always move.


"She's just a kid, Rogers!"

"She's dangerous, Tony."

"And half of us aren't?" A moment of silence. "Look capsicle, you were ready to fight my ass when it came to Wanda so why is this any different?"

"She's with Hydra."

"Bullshit. Your buddy over there was just as invested."

"Don't try to rope me in, Tony. I'm with you on this. Sorry not sorry, Steve."

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