Fight - Chris Evans

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You sighed as the doorbell rang. You had just settled into a blanket in the couch after cleaning the house. You started to get untangled from the blanket before the doorbell rang again. You shook your head, putting on slippers since your feet were cold. The bell rang a few times, impatiently, making you jog to the front. You opened the door to see Chris with an annoyed look.

Your eyes soften and your voice comes out sweet. "Hello, honey." Instead of greeting you back, he stalked past you without acknowledging you. You mouth hung open slightly by shock before you composed yourself.

You and Chris have been together for three years now. You two met on the set of Captain America: The First Avenger. You were his costume designer, helping him whenever he needed it. Whenever you had skin-to-skin contact, shiver and sparks went down your spine. Your skin would tingle wherever you would touch. The lingering sexual tension turned passionate and soon the friendship turned into something more. He asked you to move in about a year into your relationship. After two years, you two bought a house close to work.

You followed Chris to the kitchen where he was raiding the fridge. You leaned against the kitchen entrance and watched him move things around and take out something before putting it back. This went on for a while before he abruptly slammed the fridge door close and turned to you.

"Why are you watching me?" He asked with irritation etched on his face. This caught you off guard and caused a pain in your heart which you had never felt.

"I---I was---" you tried to speak, but kept stuttering. "Nothing. Never mind." You let your gaze drop from him and looked at your feet. Taking a deep breath, you looked back up and saw his gaze fixed on you.

His gaze wasn't soft, caring, and gentle like it would be when he looked at you. It was a different gaze. It was filled with anger and annoyance. It wasn't anger or annoyance at you but directed at you. You didn't cause those feelings, but he was directing it at you. Blaming you for the way he felt.

Realization hit you and you wanted to knock some sense into him. He probably had a bad day, but that didn't give him the right to be annoyed or angry at you.

"What is it, Chris?" You asked gently, trying not to make him more angry. He scowled at you before running a hand through his hair. "What is it?" Your voice was soothing and soft but something in that tone made Chris snap.

"STOP! Stop! Stop talking to me like I'm a child! I'm not a child so don't treat me like one!" He glared at you hard, making you step back a little.

"I won't, but you need to stop getting mad at me for something I haven't DONE," your tone was steady and calm although your voice had risen a little.

"I'm not getting mad at you! You just don't leave me alone! You're just so clingy and just so annoying! IT'S YOU! It's not anything but you. I'm sick and tired OF YOU! Just---JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" The loudness and harshness of his voice made you step back and your eyes well up with tears. The ache in your chest rose into your throat.

"Okay, I'll leave," you whispered, letting you gaze examine Chris's posture. He let out a deep breath and ran a hand through his hair. The lump in your throat made you hold back from saying anything more. Swallowing, you started making your way to the front of the house. You slid on some shoes and shrugged on a hoodie of yours. You opened the door, grabbing your car keys and looking back once to see no one stop you.

You step out as a cool breeze hit you. It felt nice and cooling to your anger. You got into your car and drove off. You weren't sure where you were going, but your heart led the way to your best friend's, Elena, house. You parked in her driveway for a few seconds before you decided to get out and talk to her. Ringing the doorbell, you stepped back, waiting for her to answer the door.

"Hey!" Elena looked at your teary eyes and ushered you in quick. Her husband, Oliver, was gone to work, giving you and her privacy to talk. Minus her newborn baby, Dylan. You didn't mind since he was asleep and he didn't  understand what you were saying.

You spilled everything. Everything that was said and done. You weren't a person to show your emotions, so when you started to cry, Elena knew that it hurt you a lot. Elena pulled you into a hug and whispered into your ear.

"He loves you. Hell, you love him too. Things happened, words were exchanged, actions were done, but the biggest question is; Do you still love him?" You nodded your head as you remembered all the sweet memories you and Chris have had. "Then go back to him and tell him that. Tell him how much you love him." You looked up at her and shook your head.

"I can't," you whispered.

"Why not?" She urged.

"I can't face him. The stuff he said---" you stopped talking and started sobbing. Elena was whispering something in your ear, but you just shook your head. "No, no, no." Elena stopped and let you cry. And you let all the ache out.

After an hour, the doorbell rang, making Elena get up and see who it was. Elena thought it was Oliver, but you heard his voice. You heard his voice filled with remorse and regret. His footsteps came close to you. He circled the couch and kneeled in front of you. You kept your head down, eyes transfixed on your lap.

Chris sighed and took your hands into his. You didn't pull away but neither did you grab onto his hands. He sighed again before speaking softly to you.

"I'm sorry. I was a jerk. Actually, I am a jerk. You have every right to be mad me, to hate me, to want me to leave. I didn't mean what I said. I didn't---"

"But you said that. You said it and meant it, otherwise you wouldn't've said it," you whispered, sending him into silence. He tightened his grip on you.

"I didn't mean it. I didn't mean it and I'll do anything to let you know that."

"Then leave." The stunned silence that was heard next was sickening. It made you sick to your stomach. The voice that said that, didn't sound like yours, but you said it. Chris's hands tightened around yours without hurting you.

"Not that. I felt lost the second you stepped away from me and I don't wanna feel like that again. I want you, I need you, I love you." His words broke you and you flung yourself at him. He wrapped his arms protectively around you. "I love you so much. Don't leave me. Don't leave me when we fight. Please, don't." You sobbed into his chest as he wet your shoulder with tears.

"I won't."


I'm honestly thinking about why I even wrote this. At the end I kinda started to tear up and well, I was like why must I hurt myself like this.

Anyway, hope you guys enjoyed. Hehehe.

Until next time!

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