Time Off [1] - Bucky Barnes

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F/S - favourite smoothie

You walked into the training room and, as always, saw Bucky already there. He was unwrapping the bandages from his hand, indicating that he had just finished warming up by hitting the punching box. He looked up and grinned at you. You grinned back and held his water bottle up.

"Good morning, Bucky. Forgot something?" you teased him. He smiled sheepishly and held his hand out for it.

"Good morning to you too and thank you," he said as you handed his water bottle. You took a seat beside him on the bench and took a sip of your [F/S]. You put it down and then got up.

"Let's start," you said as you grabbed Bucky's arm. He tensed up for a second but relaxed as you didn't seem to notice that you grabbed his metal arm.

You never had a problem with it. When Steve found Bucky, you were the first one to accept Bucky. You made him feel comfortable and, somewhat, normal. You fought for him when Tony was against Steve and him. You got Tony to calm down---you were one of his favourites, like a daughter---and made Tony accept the fact that Bucky wasn't in his own mind when killing his parents. Tony---after a few hours of shouting, sobbing, talking---let him stay in the tower and assembled the Avengers once again.

Bucky was at ease around the Avengers, but you managed to notice some quirks he had according to his emotions. When he got uncomfortable with questions, he would look around instead of looking at the person. When he got nervous before a mission, he would try to divert his attention by asking loads of useless questions. When he has to ask for a favour, he would rub the back of his neck. When he got flustered, he would bite down on his lip so he didn't say something that would embarrass him more. When he was trying to calm down from overwhelming situations, he would run a hand through his hair.

"Okay," Bucky sighed as you pull him to a mat, "Let's start." You let go of his arm and went to stand a few feet across from him. He crouched down a little, arms a bit out front, and you mimicked his actions.

"No hard feelings, yeah?" you told him before swinging a punch which he easily dodged and punched your stomach.

"Yeah," he seethed as he threw a punch which you blocked and aimed for his face, but he dodged the punch. You stumbled back as he pushed you.

"Go [Y/N]!" You glanced over at the voice's owner to see Tony grinning. You huffed as you dodged a punch and kicked his ribs. He grunted and held his side, giving you the chance to punch his jaw. You hit a bit gently as you both were only sparring.

"Ouch!" Tony shouted. Bucky glared at him and you kicked his stomach---again, not that hard. He stumbled back a little before catching you off guard by swiftly kicking your side. You clutched the side, unprepared for it. He smirked before you threw a punch, which he blocked and then swiftly punched your nose. It wasn't hard, but it made your eyes watery and he kicked your ankle which made an audible crack noise as you fell on your back.

Bucky was immediately by your side, muttering a trail of 'sorry'. You waved your hand, but the pain in your ankle was slowly spreading throughout your foot and leg.

"It's fine, Buck," you tried to reassure him.

"I'm so sorry, [Y/N]," he mumbled, "Let me help you up." He offered his hand, which you took, and slipped his other hand behind your back. You yelped as pressure was put on your right foot. Tony, who had walked to stand beside you, bent down and placed pressure on small spots. You bit your lip, trying not to whimper, but failed to do so.

"Something's broke," Tony stated, getting up and shrugging, "I could call the Green Rage Monster here if you want."

"No, I can---"

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