Kidnapped - Dad!Tony Stark

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Your hands darted around the keyboard rapidly, sweat starting to wet your back. You stopped abruptly, looking at the screen.

You hacked through the firewall of this Hydra base. What was more surprising was that they didn't even know. Sitting behind you were two Hydra soldiers and they didn't even know. You wanted to pat your back, but you decided against it and started typing away.

Sending an encrypted message to your father, telling him your whereabouts and what to expect, you started accessing files. You smirked as the files got copied and sent to the Avengers lab. You deleted the evidence of the files getting copied and sent.

Hearing the chair creak behind you, you pressed a few buttons, making the screen in front of you black. You sighed as though frustrated.

"What is it girl?" A rough voice behind her said.

"The firewall wasn't made by me or dad," you said with irritation. "It was Dr. Banner and I wasn't part of it." The man grumbled something unintelligent before an explosion in the distance took his attention. He glared at you. You shrugged and he left the room, shouting orders at everyone.

A few---many---more explosions and a thud from the door later, your dad stood in front of you.

"Are you okay?" His voice was robotic but it was laced with concern. "JARVIS, check her for me." You rolled your eyes before speaking up.

"I'm fine," you said. "Glad you got the info. It was hard with guns behind my back." Tony opened his helmet, revealing his concerned face.

"Wait, what?" You smiled softly, crossing your arms.

"They wanted to hack into the tower, but they forgot whose daughter I am," you said with pride. Tony smirked and shook his head.

"I told Pepper you'd be back for dinner," Tony told you. "You will, right?"

"Right, cause I wasn't kidnapped or anything," you teased.

You both shared a laugh before an explosion made the ground.

"Where's my suit?" You asked as Tony told JARVIS to get your suit.

OMG! Two updates in one day! Yeah I was really bored, wrote this, and was like why not post it right now.

Well, I saw something on Pinterest about Tony and the Avengers getting kidnapped and the kidnappers tell Steve that they're got Tony to make a killer weapon. Then Steve laughs his head off saying "you don't know Tony, do you?" And there's an explosion and Steve doesn't stop laughing until the rest of the Avengers get to him.

Anyway, that's what inspired this.

Until next time!

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