Universal Crush [2] - Bucky Barnes

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Bucky fixed his black tie, gazing into the mirror, not bothering looking at himself. He knew he looked horrible. He felt horrible too.

After you stopped breathing, he forgot how to breathe too. His mind had started spinning when your body went limp in his arms, paling and cold as ice. He couldn't help the scream that ripped out of him as Steve tried to fend off the robots while he held your body close. His tears had rolled down his cheeks before Natasha took you away from him, promising him that you wouldn't be forgotten and would be given a proper funeral.

Bucky let out a shaky sigh and ripped the tie open, letting it hang loose around his neck. He took off his jacket and threw it over his shoulder with one hand while the other came up to undo the first few buttons of his white shirt. He rolled up his sleeves and ran his hand through his combed hair, making it messy.

"Ow!" The familiar voice rang through his ears. He closed his eyes and counted to ten, hoping that he wasn't going crazy. "Shit." Bucky's eyes flew open and whipped his head to face the voice's owner. He saw the person step into his room from the balcony door and his heart dropped to his stomach.

She couldn't be here, he thought, she's not here. I'm going crazy, aren't I?

"No, you're not," you mumbled, holding your wrist close to your chest.

He hadn't realized that he was saying that out loud. His mouth hung open slightly, froze on the spot. His eyes were glued to you, not realizing that he was making you uncomfortable, watching you move to grab the first aid kit he had in his first drawer. He didn't ask how you knew because he had too many questions swirling in his mind that mattered way more.

You cleaned the nasty gash on your wrist while Bucky stood like a statue.

Once you wrapped the bandage around your wrist, you stood up from his bed and put the first aid kit away where it was. Bucky finally found his voice and asked the question in his mind.

"How are you still alive?"

You stilled, body going rigid, facing away from him.

"When did I die?" You turned around with an expressionless face. It scared him a little because the Y/N he knew could never hold in her emotions.

"What do you mean? You're dead, I saw you die—" his voice cracked but he continued—"You died in my arms." Bucky noticed how stiff you had actually gotten with each passing second and took a step forward. "Who are you?" He asked sternly.

"Y/N Y/S."

"Who are you really?"

"FRIDAY, scan my biometrics and tell Barnes who I really am." You called him Barnes with such bitterness that Bucky took a step back. His heart ached for the Y/N he loved and knew. You were nothing like her.

"Biometric scan complete," FRIDAY spoke. "Y/N Y/S alias Emerald. Identified as female. Father's name is Y/F/N and mother's name is Y/M/N. She was experimented on by Hydra at the age of twelve and escaped at the age of eighteen. She was hired as a SHIELD agent by recommendations of Clint Barton alias Hawkeye. Would you like to know more?"

"No," you said, a hint of confusion lacing your answer. "I think we're good."


"What Earth is this?" You interrupted with urgency in your tone. Bucky paused and looked at you, confused out of his mind.

"What bullshit is that?"

"Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit," you mumbled under your breath, starting to pace his room. He could only watch you, the girl who looked exactly like his girl, pace his room. You placed a hand on your forehead as though it hurt.

"Where's my—where's Tony?"

"Probably in the lab, but—" before he could finish his sentence, you were out his room, running towards the lab. Against his will—sort of—he threw his jacket on his bed and followed you, easily keeping up to you. He grabbed your elbow and made you face him. You glared at him, but he simply pushed you into a secluded corner.

"You can't just run around with that face," he spat. He watched your E/C eyes flicker with an emotion he couldn't place. "People here think you're—Y/N is dead here. If you do come from another Earth, you need to be careful here."

"I know what I'm doing Barnes," you hissed and pushed away from him.

You started for the lab again, cursing under your breath. You couldn't believe that you portaled here, to another universe completely, and not where Stephen wanted you to. It wasn't much different from your universe, but it explained a lot more of your background. Grumbling under your breath, you took a sharp turn and bumped into a hard chest. You looked up and found the disbelief face of Steve.

"I'm going crazy," he muttered, looking at you with wide eyes. His hair was disheveled but his clothes were neat and tidy.

You scoffed and said, "Barnes thought the same." Then you pushed past him as Bucky came behind you.

"Wait, what?" Steve turned his head to look at his friend who just shrugged with an exhausted look on his face.

"She's not our Y/N," he grumbled, stuffing one hand into his pocket and grabbing your locket.


I—just—give me a moment.

I'm sorry it's late!!! I didn't have wifi yesterday! I'm sorry!

Okay, so the initial reaction from my friend was curling into a ball and telling me that I was a demon. But she liked it. So I hope that you guys and @Voltrondragoncat06 likes it too!

Until next time!

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