Love or Hate [1] - Steve Rogers

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Warning(s): strong language, violence, mentions of death/child death

"God, you're annoying!" Steve threw up his hands, wondering how he got paired up with you. "Can't you just fight instead of making stupid remarks—"

The words are stopped in his mouth as you kicked his side before spinning and elbowing his nose. He grunted, narrowing his eyes at you. If looks could kill, you would be dead. His eyes were flaming with danger when he swung a punch at you. You easily dodged it and kicked the back of his knee, sending him to the ground on his knees. You quickly put him in a headlock and waited for him to tap out.

"Tap out," you sneered, looking in front of you instead of at the blond. The team had gathered around the two of you, long done sparring with their own partners.

You had about the same amount of strength as Steve and Bucky, along with powers similar to Wanda's. The only difference was that the more you used your powers, the weaker you got. Combat was one of your best skills, taught by Natasha Romanoff herself. Hence why you rarely used your powers.

You felt Steve's grip on your arm falter, but the stubborn man hadn't tapped out.

"Tap out, Steve," Bucky said, panic and concern on his face. He locked eyes with you and gave you a pleading look. You rolled your eyes but let go of Steve.

He fell forward, rubbing his neck and breathing rapidly.

You started to walk away from the mat before Steve spoke up after you.

"I didn't tap out!" You turned in your spot to glare at Steve.

"You would've died if I didn't stop, dumb ass," you spat angrily, pointing at him. His eyes narrowed dangerously, a scowl etched on his face. You sighed, closing your eyes and relaxing your tense body before walking out of the training room to take a shower.

The tears spring to your eyes as you reached your room, crying and sobbing freely as you choked out, "Soundproof the room, FRIDAY, and don't let anyone but Nat in."


"He doesn't hate you," Natasha said, rubbing your back, trying to calm you from your anxiety attack. You snorted, not amused by what she said.

It had been four days since the training session in which you head locked Steve. You tried to avoid him as much as you could. As successful you were—since he would leave the room with a scowl on his face—you couldn't help but feel a pang of hurt.

You didn't even know what you had done wrong. You thought back to the day you met.

"Bucky!" You squealed as the super-soldier picked you up in an embrace. You laughed along, happy to see your friend. He placed you down and kissed your temple.

"Steve, this is Y/N. Y/N, this is Steve." Bucky moved to the side to reveal Steve. "She's the one who helped me with the nightmares on the mission." His eyes roamed your body, scanning you. You couldn't help the blush that made its way to your face.

"Hello," you greeted, smiling.

"Hi," he said, eyes darting everywhere but you.

"What are you guys doing at SHIELD?" You asked, trying to make this less awkward.

"Steve wanted to pick up the new recruits," Bucky answered, jerking his thumb towards the blond. You nodded and smiled.

"I can help you there, if you want," you offered, looking between the two men, hoping that you weren't intruding.

"Uh, no, we're fine," Steve said, not looking at you. Instead, his eyes were looking behind you.

"Alright. Then—"

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