Insecure - Chris Evans

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"Y/N!" You whipped your head around at your name and see a smiling Zendaya, waving at you from the crowd. She waved you over and you nodded, smiling as you walked through the crowd to get to her.

"Daya! You look absolutely gorgeous," you said, giving her a hug as you reached her. She squeezed you gently and pulled away with a no good look in her eyes.

"You're glowing too," she said, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively. You knew exactly what she meant but tired to pretend as though you had no clue what she was talking about.

"What are you on about?"

"Oh, don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about," she said and dragged you to a table in the café. "Chris and you, of course." You rolled your eyes at her but couldn't help the smile that crept up on your face when she mentioned Chris.

"Yeah, we confirmed it, Daya," you scoffed. "During the premier of Endgame."

"And he said it in a few interviews while you released a picture on your Instagram for your one year anniversary," she added, "I know."

"Stalker," you joked. She swatted your hand and shook her head.

"Am not."

"Are not."

"Glad to have that clear," she said as the waitress came over to collect your orders.


"Chris!" You called out in your shared apartment.

Chris had asked you to move in eight months after you two had started dating officially. It wasn't hard for you to get used to living with him since you were always with him anyway. Rumours and picture of you two had flown about before you two confirmed it on your first year anniversary. You both were ready, despite the fact that you were almost six years younger than him.

"In the living room!" You heard Chris's voice. You kicked off your shoes and started to walk towards the living room.

You saw him hunched over, laptop open in front of him. You couldn't see much but you knew that you could just ask.

"What're you doing?" You asked, putting the groceries down beside the couch. He looked up at you and shook his head.

"Nothing to worry about."

You frowned upon those words. Whenever he said that, the conversation was bound to end in a fight. He wouldn't talk about what it was that was bothering him. You would always try to ask, but he would just snap at you. Even if it was a rare occasion when he kept stuff to himself, you couldn't help but feel the pang of hurt at his closure. The rare occasions had always started like this.

"You should just tell me what it is," you said softly, taking your jacket off. Suddenly you weren't cold anymore. Instead, you were burning like a sudden fire had started to rage inside you. Chris shook his head.

"'S nothing," he mumbled, getting up and closing the laptop. You held out your hand and sat down where Chris was just a moment ago. You opened up the laptop as Chris huffed in annoyance from beside you. "Can't you just trust me for once?"

As he said that, your eyes scanned the open page. You inhaled a sharp breath, shocked by what he was reading. You scrolled down as Chris walked towards the kitchen, cursing under his breath. You flinched ever so slightly when he did so. The colourful words had your focus taken away from the screen, focusing on Chris's movements instead.

"You don't believe these comments, do you?" You asked while he glanced at you before downing a glass of water.

"No," he grunted, putting the glass into the sink. He was facing away from you, gripping onto the counter around the sink, knuckles turning white.

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