Sleep [1] - Sebastian Stan

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You tossed and turned, unable to sleep.

You were aching for your husband to come home and cuddle with you. You felt the tears prick at your eyes at the growing ache in your chest. Your stomach started turning, making you rush to the bathroom where you retch up your dinner. Feeling horrible, you pulled yourself to your feet to brush your teeth, hoping to get rid of the horrid taste.

You looked at yourself in the mirror, taking in your appearance. Your eyes had dark circles from the lack of sleep and were bloodshot from crying the whole day. Your skin was paler than you remembered it. It looked as though you hadn't been in contact with the sun for days, which you haven't. Your hands glide over the small bump of your growing stomach. You smiled at the thought of having your baby in your hands in a few months.

The same thought, however, made tears prick your eyes again. Your hand moved from your stomach and you wrapped your arms around yourself. Your husband might not make it for your due date. He might not see you for another 8 months or so. You tried to swallow the lump in your throat, but it wouldn't seem to go away. Your tears fell from your eyes before you could stop yourself.

You turned from the mirror and made your way back to the bed. You sat against the backboard, wiping the tears that fell from your eyes. Your thoughts revolved around the last few days and your baby and husband.

You knew his job was important to him. But you couldn't help but think that he put it over you and your baby. Over your family. The thought only made your tears flow faster and you angry. You didn't want to be mad at him. It was you who told him to take up the deal when he said he wanted to be here for you.

Your thoughts eventually lulled you to dreamless sleep.

**Time Skip ~brought to you by Sebastian Stan being a walking meme~**

When you woke up, you darted to the bathroom to retch up again. You cursed as you started to brush your teeth. Your thoughts from last night hit you like a wave.

You froze for a second before feeling angry and sad again. Looking up at your appearance, which was practically the same from last night, you shook your head, trying to think rationally.

Making your way to the living room after getting dressed, you made your tea with ginger hoping it would ease the turning feeling in your stomach and with the headache, thanks to you crying. Hearing your phone ring, you looked at the caller ID before picking it up.

"Hello Seb," you said, tiredly.

"Hello, my love," Sebastian greeted. "Are you alright?" He must've picked up on your tired voice.

Not wanting to worry him, you said, "Yeah. Just woke up. How are you?" You glanced at time on the stove to see it was ten past nine. Sebastian made a hum noise and started telling you about his day and shoot from yesterday. You were listening for a while before you got distracted by your thoughts again.

"And that's where we're continuing from today," Sebastian finished, waiting for you to respond. When you didn't, he said your name, catching your attention.

"That's great, Seb," you responded. "It sounds like you're having a great time." Your voice sound sweet, but there was a small bit of bitterness to it which Sebastian caught onto.

"Are you sure you're fine?" He asked, sounding really concerned for you. "I could come back for a few days---"

"No, Seb," you said quickly, "I'm fine. I'm just tired. Your baby doesn't like anything I eat." You ended off with a small chuckle. You heard him sigh before he was called by a crew member. He bid goodbye to you and cut the call.

Your eyes pricked with tears as you felt the aching sensation in your chest again. You felt alone and you needed someone to be here with you. Specifically Sebastian.

Your calls were almost the same everyday. You greeted each other, he talked about his time on set, you would talk a little about the baby, he would get called, and you would bid goodbye. It was getting frustrating to hear only his voice and you weren't allowing him to FaceTime you because of how you looked. Coming up with excuses like "My camera isn't working" or "I've turned off the lights and I'm not getting up to turn them on again" and you could only feel relieved that Sebastian didn't force it on you.

You sipped on your tea, thinking about what you could do for the day.

"Sleep," you muttered, rubbing your eyes. Sighing, you moved to the living room, laying on the couch and throwing the blanket from last night over you. You closed your eyes hoping you could get some sleep.

Your eyes were fluttering shut and you were drifting off when you heard a click from the door. Sitting up suddenly made your head feel lightheaded, but you didn't care as you focused your attention on any noise. There were footsteps heading closer to you. Your eyes darted around the room. Unable to find anything to defend yourself with, you felt yourself freeze in your place.

"[Y/N]," the familiar voice whispered. You sighed in relief as the man came into view. You shoved the blanket off of you and made your way to the front of your house.

"You scared me," you said as you came into his view, looking into familiar blue eyes, and put your hands on your hips.

To Be Continued...

I thought that I would leave a small cliffhanger. It makes things fun.

On another note, I was thinking of doing dialogue prompts or something. Let me know if you guys would read those and maybe requests of those as well.

Until next time!

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