In Common - Bucky Barnes

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Your eyes fluttered open as small whispers made their way to your ears. You looked around yourself, taking in the six people standing around you. You let out a small groan as pain hit your head. One rushed to your side as the other six watched with pain and relief in their eyes. The man grabbed your hand gently and smiled at you. His blue eyes gazed into yours.

"How're you feeling?" He whispered as you glanced at the other people. "Are you alright?" He asked again. You gazed into his eyes, feeling the familiarness of them. You tried to remember you the man was, but you couldn't. You couldn't remember anything. Your eyes widen in panic and you jolted up, making the man take a step back and let go of your hand.

"Where am I?" You asked, looking at the people carefully. "Who am I?" The others glanced at each other as one spoke up.

"Your name is [Y/N] [Y/S]. You're in the Avengers compound," he spoke gently with his arms up a little. He was wearing a white lab coat and had grey flecked hair. "You're safe. We're your friends." You shook your head and looked down. A sharp wave of pain hit your head and your hand instinctively went up to your head.

"What happened?" You asked the man after the pain subsided. He glanced at the blue-eyed man before looking at you again.

"We were on a mission and you got hit on the head," he explained. "The blow was hard enough to knock you unconscious and you, uh, lost your memory." You balled up some of the sheets in your fists, processing his words. "It's not permanent," he added quickly. You nodded slowly and let go of the sheets of the bed.

"Who---Who are you?"

"Bruce Banner." You nodded as you pointed to the blond-haired man.


"Steve Rogers." You squinted your eyes slightly as you remember hearing that name before. You smiled a little at him.

"I remember that name," you mumbled. You pointed at the redhead.

"Natasha Romanoff," she answered with a smile. "You called me Tasha." You smiled softly.

"It suits you better," you said. Natasha smiled, remembering how you would say that each time she gave you a playful glare. You pointed at the man dressed in a suit. "You?" He gave you a lopsided grin.

"Forgot your partner in crime?" He teased, trying not to let the tears and sadness show. "Tony Stark. Although you called me by my full name more times. Anthony Edward Stark." You laughed softly before turning your head to a dark-skinned man standing beside Steve.

"Sam Wilson," he answered before you could ask. "You and me are disaster partners." He gave you a wink and you smiled softly. You looked back at Tony who had sadness screaming in his eyes. He put up guards the second you looked at him. You then turned your head to the side where the blue-eyed man stood still, his arms crossed, looking at you with a blank gaze.

"And you are?" You asked softly, bringing your legs close your chest. He smiled at you before answering.

"Bucky. Bucky Barnes, ma'am." His heart sank as he said those words to you. His chest ached as you nodded and looked away from him to look at Tony again. He let out a sigh before leaving the room.

**Time Skip ~brought to you by Bucky buying plums for himself~**

You had proven that your personality had stayed the same. Bruce said that personalities usually don't change but the Avengers and you couldn't believe that until they noticed that you were acting as normal as ever. You still liked the same things, did the same things, and still had the same talent as when you joined the team. You still had the sassiness against Tony's snarky comments. You still had the brains that you bonded with Tony and Bruce with. You still had the fierceness that Natasha loved to see against enemies. You still had the softness towards others. You were still yourself.

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