Chapter 3: Deja

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Walking into our small two-bedroom apartment I'm relieved to be home. Today was one of those days where all you want to do is lay in bed, nothing more.

I'm pulling off our coats when Nate saunters out the back smiling that I'm-always-up-to-no-good smile. He's very good looking - tall with light brown eyes, and he's always dressed nice. I've never seen him in sweats or basketball shorts. He's always dressed like he's going out to the club somewhere.

He has two kids with this tall chic - she has to be 6'0. They are always into it about something - mostly about my mom. She hates my mom's guts; she believes my mom stole him for her.

My mom and her had a knockdown drag-out fight last year. She came over here starting some shit. I guess thinking because my mom is smaller that she would have the upper hand, but my mom can fight. She has to because her mouth is constantly moving. They both ended up having to go to the hospital, and Nate's still here.

"Hey Cutie," Nate says. He's standing in the entrance of the hallway.

"Hey," I reply, bending down, taking off Zay's coat.

"Hey, Nay. I drew a picture, want to see?" Zay asks. Nay is what he calls him.

"Sure, little man," Nate replies. No matter what I think about Nate - he's very good with Zay. Anytime he gets his kids he takes Zay with him, and he doesn't let my mom treat him any kind of way when he's around.

Zay grabs his picture out of his book bag and runs over to show Nate his picture of a dinosaur. I just watch him, because I love to see Zay so happy.

"Your mom is gone to play the slots with Chandra. She won't be home till tomorrow. So I'll give you money for pizza," he says all of this with that creepy grin.

"Ok, but you know you don't have to feed me right? I am an adult."

Nate grins as he lets his eyes roam over my body. "Trust me, I know." He walks up to me, and I step back. "I don't know why you act like I'm going to hurt you. I'm not some teenager that can't control myself," he says, handing me thirty dollars. He looks at me and nods his head as if he's answering some unasked question. "All you need is some dick to help you relax and get that stick out of your ass." He steps around me and opens the door laughing at his own words. "Text me when the pizza gets here. I don't want any pork," He tells me as he closes the door behind him.

Shaking that creepy feeling off, I head to my room. After changing into some lounge pants and a t-shirt, I order the pizza. I go ahead and order one large beef pizza and a Buffalo chicken ranch pizza so we can have some for tomorrow.

Feeling a little bored, I start a group message with my friends just to see what they are doing tonight.

Me to Group: Wyd??

Nicolas to Group: Just got home from work about to change clothes and go pick up Reign.

Asia to Group: Got a date with Marcus

Felicia to Group: Not a got damn thing. I got DJ ass tonight, and he's fucking sick.

Asia to Group: Who was supposed to have DJ?

Felicia to Group: Shaquan promised me he would keep him after he came over last night.

Me to Group: I thought you were done with him?

Felicia to Group: I needed some, and he had been calling.

Nicolas: Please remove me from this group

Me: But why😢

Nicolas: You know why and also because Reign always thinks I'm cheating when my phone won't stop beeping from all the back and forth between you three.

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