Chapter 12: Deja

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I'm putting the last of our things in my bag. I'm glad to be getting away from the giant. I'm not scared of him, even though I should be; I'm just not so sure about the relationship anymore. I'm not used to this world. I need to be with humans, not a half-vampire, half-wolf man.

Yesterday I was scared when he almost sucked my life source out and if that's not enough I've cummed so many times I think I need to get myself some Pediasure to replace my electrolytes. None of this is normal and it's become too much. I have to get away from him and stay away.

Looking over, I see him watching me as I zip up my bag. "Ok, we're ready." He just stares. Bending down, I grab my bag and hand it over to him. I walk past him out of the room that has been mine these three nights.

Walking in the family room, I grab Zay's coat and bend down to put it on.

Knock Knock

I hear the front door open and when I look behind me to find Allison. "Hey."

"Hey," I turn back to my task.

"So Gray, how long will you be gone this time."

Snapping my head up to the giant I see him staring at me. I stand up and look into those red eyes. "Where are you going?" Is it crazy that I'm jealous of the thought of him going off to find another mate? Especially since I'm in a rush to get away from him.

"With you." This makes me feel better and a little conflicted.

"With me?... But how?"


Allison is just watching. She doesn't say anything but I'm sure she is waiting on me to answer her question.

"How long will you stay?" He shrugs. Still just staring at me. "Where will you stay?"

"I'm buying a house."

"You're buying a house!" I shout out. I hear Allison gasp at my words. "Why would you buy a house? You have a perfectly fine house here."

"You're my mate."

"You know that's not the answer to everything. You should have told me."


"I don't know it's." I sigh. "...because a person should know someone is moving to be near them."

I look behind me at Allison. She looks at her son hoping he will talk to her, but not this ass. He's just staring at me.

"Talk to your mom. You're breaking her heart. She doesn't want you to go."

"She won't understand."

"Well, if you don't talk to her I will stop talking to you."

"That's stupid."

I turn away from him.

"I can't stay,'' he says. "They will let her stay but not the boy."

"Gray you can't leave the pack they might not let you come back. Alpha said he will have a meeting about Zay too."

Frowning I turn toward him. "You can't leave your pack. What's wrong with you?"

"This is not up for debate. My mom should know better than anyone how important it is for me to be with my mate."

I glance back at Allison. I can see the tears rolling down her face.

Shaking my head, I glare at him. "No. I don't want you to come." He's staring at me. "No," I say again. "If you come I won't talk to you ever again. This is too much; the whole mate and bonding's just too much." My words somehow are breaking my heart. I reach up and grab my chest from the sharp pain I feel in my body. The giant doesn't respond; he just watches me with careful eyes.

Turning, I grab Zay's hand and head to the door. "Nice meeting you," I say as I walk past Allison. She smiles a sad smile as Zay and I walk out the door.


"Where did you go?" Asia asks me. She's standing to the side of the front counter in the coffee shop.

"To visit a friend."

"A friend." She raises a brow at me. "We are your only friends and none of us knew where you were at." The bell rings on the door. My heartbeat picks up as I stare at the door. My hope is doused when I see it's not the giant. I haven't talked to him since I walked out of his house. When we made it to the bus station I ignored him, I didn't even tell him bye.

"I just knew your sneaky ass was with Nicolas."

I stare at her in confusion. "Why would you think I was with Nicolas?"

"Come on really?" She purses her lips. "You are so clueless. I can't believe you don't know." She gives me a disbelieving eye roll.

"What?" I whisper. "I have no clue what you're talking about."

Her eyes roam over my face. "You have to be shitin' me you really don't know...Nicolas likes you. Have always liked you. He may even be in love with you." She smacks her hand on the counter.

I laugh at the ridiculousness of her statement. "That's not true. Nicolas and I are friends...Plus he has a girlfriend. They've been together forever. He even said he was thinking about asking her to marry him."

"Yeah because you wouldn't give a chance. I bet when he told you he wanted to marry her you congratulated him."

"I did. Why wouldn't I?" I shrug. "If he liked me he should have said something. I'm not a mind reader."

Asia is laughing. Her beautiful dark brown skin with cool, jewel undertones always lights up when she smiles. "So you're not going to tell me where you were at?" I shake my head and grin my most mischievous grin. She glares playfully as I wait on the next customer.

"Well, I'm leaving since you won't share." She crosses her arms. "Plus I have to pick up Marcus from work," Asia tells me.

Looking down at my phone I see it's time for me to get off. "So you and Marcus are serious - now?"

"Yes. He asked me to get an apartment with him." She smiles.

"Where does he work?"

She bites her bottom lip before rolling her eyes and looking back at me. "He's a dishwasher part-time at the Steak House." She mumbles out "...but he is trying to get his rap career going."

" long as he's working."

"Yeah he told me he would pick up more hours when we move in together, so he can pay his half of the bills," she says with the corner of her mouth lifted in a slight smile.

"Ok, sounds like a plan. Just make sure you will be straight if things don't work out." She nods. "Well, I'm about to clock out, so I can make my me later."

"Ok," she says, turning to walk out the door.

Rushing to the back I clock out and grab my stuff. Looking down at my phone I have only one minute to catch my bus. When I step out the front door I see my bus going down the street.

"Fuck! fuck! fuck!" It will be another thirty minutes for the next. Pulling my bag up my shoulder I walk to the curb to wait for the street to clear so I can cross it.

Hearing the sound of a motorcycle pull up on the side of me, I turn toward the sound. It's the giant. He doesn't pull his helmet off or even look my way; he just holds his hand out with an extra helmet out to me. Taking the helmet I put it on and jump on the bike. This will be another first with the giant.

Once I'm on and my arms are wrapped around his chest, he pulls off. I'm holding on for dear life as he speeds through traffic. I close my eyes tight because I'm not a hundred percent positive that this man is not truly trying to kill me.

When I feel us stop, I open my eyes and see we are in front of Zay's daycare. Sliding off the bike, I hand him back the helmet. He takes it and pulls off leaving me standing on the side of the street. "Well damn. I guess he's not talking to me," I mumble on a huff. I watch him turn at the next corner before I twirl around and head into the building.

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