Chapter 15: Deja

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I'm sitting in the coffee shop with Asia and Nicolas. They're both waiting on me for an answer to the question that was asked. "I'm not sure why if I'm having sex with Grayson is it any of their business. I mean clearly, they are having sex with the people they are with so what's the big deal."

"Deja," Asia calls my name, snapping me out of my musing. "Are you having sex with a man you barely know and is staying at his house with him?"

"First lower your voice." I glance around hoping no one heard her. "This is not for the whole fucking coffee shop to know about." I whisper-yell still looking around just to make sure no one is listening. Luckily Denise is standing over at the counter flirting with some guy that came in five minutes ago and isn't being nosey like always. "Secondly I don't understand why this is any of y'all business. I'm not asking if you.." I point to Nicolas. "...are fucking Regin or you.." I look over to Asia. "If you are fucking Marcus. It's nobody's business." I say exhaling a long breath. "..but if you must know...yes, I am having sex with the Giant."

Asia's face lights up with excitement and Nicolas's face looks like someone stole his car.

"About damn time," Asia says, clapping her hands together. "You sneaky Bitch. Why didn't you call me when it happened? Was it good...I hope your first time was better than mine because mine was a disaster."

As Asia goes on about her first time with this guy everyone calls Fig, I study Nicolas' face. I'm not sure why he seems as if he's sad by what I just admitted because he's in a committed relationship with Reign. "Nicolas, what's wrong?" I ask interrupting Asia. She stops and looks over at him. I take it he called her last night after seeing Grayson and me together. Nicolas can be so overprotective sometimes.

"I just have a bad feeling about dude." He stares at me with worry in his eyes. "He looks like a killer. I don't think you and Zay should be living with him." He looks over to a smirking Asia and she quickly pastes on a blank expression. "Y'all should come to my house and stay. It's plenty of room," He says.

I look over at Asia as her eyes move back and forth between me and Nicolas. "You know that's not going to work," I say sighing and sitting back in my chair.

"Why won't it work?" He asks, rubbing his hand down his face in frustration.

"Because you have Reign. And no matter what you say everybody knows she hates our friendship."

"That is true Nicolas," Asia says nodding her head and biting her lip. "She doesn't like any of us. But she really dislikes Deja. She never felt I was a threat because I always have a boyfriend."

"Well I don't like this and I really don't care what Reign has to say about this. You should be with me and no one else," he says pinching his nose.

"Nicolas this is not fair-," I say, getting a little pissed off at how he's acting. I have been nothing but supportive with every last one of his relationships "...You have been in several relationships and even told me you wanted to marry this girl. And I was happy and supportive of you. But now I have someone...and you refuse to see them as anything but a threat. How fair is that?" I sit back up in my chair arms folded in front of me. "None of us knew anything about Reign but we accepted her and her jealous ways."

Nicolas drops his head. His face is flushed and I can see this is bothering him a lot. I look over to Asia who is giving me a pleading look, and I know she wants me to meet him halfway. Sighing, I give in - a little. "How about me and Zay come over and stay at your house tomorrow night?" He looks up and smiles. "I will go back to my house after that."

"I want to spend the night too," Asia whines in that annoying ass way she likes to do. "We should make it a sleepover. We can watch movies and have pizza." Asia is smiling from ear to ear bouncing in her seat. "I'm going to buy us all some matching pajamas," she says jumping up. "This is going to be so fun... I'll talk to y'all later." She jumps up and rushes out of the store looking down at her phone before either one of us can respond.

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