Chapter 31: Deja

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It only took me two days to decide I wanted to go check out the house I shared with the man I can't remember. When I left after talking with my grandmother, I still had too many unanswered questions. The keys she gave me sat on my dresser like a beacon flashing, not letting me focus on anything but finding more clues about this Giant.

"We are running a few errands. Nothing more. I will be home hopefully in two hours," I say to Nicholas over the phone. Zay and I are sitting in the back of an Uber getting a ride to the house we lived in with the mysterious giant.

Since the moment we exited off the freeway and turned on Highway 101, Zay has been practically bouncing in the seat with his face pressed against the window. I have never seen him this excited about anything. I've tried several times to get him to sit flat on his bottom, but he keeps sliding those legs under him and sitting up to look out the window.

"Why didn't you call me? I could have taken you where you wanted to go. You didn't have to Uber," he says while exhaling a long heavy breath. He's frustrated; I can tell by the tone he's using. I'm already picturing him running his hand over his waves, walking back and forth as he frowns and talks to me.

I rub the heel of my hand in my eyes. It's hard not to get mad at Nicholas when he treats me like I'm his child. I've been biting my tongue more than I would like because I know how much he worries about me. I just wish he would stop.

"I didn't want you to leave work just to take me to run errands." I inwardly groan and push myself back further against the back seat. "If my memory serves me right, I was more than capable of doing things by myself. I never called you for rides before, so why should I start now?" I ask as the driver pulls up to a beige craftsman-style home with a two-car garage. "Nothing has changed," I whisper as my gaze focus on the neighborhood.

The house we have parked in front of sits in a cove with four other similar homes with enough space between each one of them for another home. The neighborhood is beautiful, even with the dead trees due to the winter and lawns that are not green but yellow. This is the type of quiet neighborhood that one would love to raise a family in. Grabbing Zay's small blue bookbag, I thank the driver and push the door open. Zay and I slide from the back of the car and step out onto the long driveway that leads to the house.

"Three Emerald Cove," I think, peering over at the stop sign and reading the name of the street we turned off to get here. "Old Forge Road."

As soon as Zay's tiny feet hit the pavement he is already running toward the front door. "Nicholas, let me call you back." I sigh, walking quickly behind Zay - trying to catch up with him. "I promise we will be alright...ok?"

He doesn't respond, and I'm too focused on Zay to acknowledge he hasn't before ending the call. "Zay!! Wait!" I call after him before catching him by his shoulder and halting his steps before he can make it to the front door.

"Zay... stop running. We don't know who lives here. We have to be careful."

Wiggling out of my hold, Zay starts moving again. "Grayson lives here, silly," he says, stepping onto the small porch.

"Grayson." I'm not sure I've ever heard Zay say his name. It sounds weird coming from him, but I get a slight flash of something in the recesses of my mind. I couldn't focus on it fast enough to know if it was a memory, but hearing his real name from Zay lets me know they were close - maybe.

Sighing, I look around; I think back on everything I was told and wish I could remember him. His eye color, his smile, the way he sounded - something. I was hoping something would give me some kind of indication that coming here was not a bad idea.

When I finally step onto the porch, joining Zay, we both stare at the large black door. I stick my hand into my blue jean jacket pocket and pull out the key ring that only has the two keys. I pause before inserting a key. I look down at Zay who has been gazing at me expectantly. "We should knock," I whisper, raising my fist and rapping on the door twice.

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