Chapter 4: Grayson

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Waking up, I turn and see Beck is still knocked out in the other bed. Last night he convinced me to go to a strip club with him. He ended up getting drunk, which is hard for a wolf but the amount he can happen. He left the club with some woman that was wearing a long red wig. I'm not sure what time he returned but it had to be about five this morning when he got back, so I know he will be out for a while.

Walking to the bathroom, I shower and throw on some jeans and a t-shirt. I went yesterday and washed all our clothes, so we could have clean fresh clothes to wear. If I left it up to Beck it wouldn't have gotten done. Once I'm done getting ready I check my phone and see my mom has called me. I know she's probably just checking on me, so I decide to call her back later.

Leaving the room, I go downstairs and jump on my bike, and speed toward the coffee shop. When I make it there I wait outside and just watch her moving around helping customers. Not wanting to disturb her I stay rooted in place and wait until she is not busy.

When I finally see she is not busy I get off my bike and head in. The first thing I notice when I walk in is it's not as busy as yesterday so there's no line. Which is perfect. I stroll straight to the counter. Her back is turned to me. Closing my eyes, I inhale her scent trying to commit it to memory. When I open my eyes she's looking up at me.

"Can I take your order?" She asks me. Not really thinking this far. I order a coke and a muffin.

"Ok. What kind of muffin."

Looking up at the menu I look at the different varieties of muffins. I'm not a muffing person but I do like bananas.

"Banana Nut," I say. She nods her head and turns to grab me a muffin and make me a coke. After she grabs everything she walks over to the registry and presses something on the screen.

"Four sixty-two." She pushes the muffin and coke toward me. Reaching in my pocket I grab my money and pull out a five-dollar bill. Passing it to her, I want to touch her, but she seems careful not to touch me. After putting the money in the registry she counts out the change carefully. When she reaches her hand out to drop the change in my hand I reach over and instead of grabbing the money, I grab her hand.

Feeling an electric current running through my hand, I shut my eyes and let the feeling I know is our bond start connecting our souls. When I open my eyes I'm standing in the woods. Looking down, I see I'm in wolf form. I'm not sure how I got here but I sniff the air to see if this place is familiar, but all I can smell is her. She smells of lilac and rosemary, but more potent now.

Running toward the scent, I find myself in an open field with trees surrounding it. Feeling the light breeze jostle my fur, I glance around and find the girl from the coffee shop; she's standing in the middle of the field. I can feel her fear from here so I mentally command her not to move.

Making my way to her I can feel myself involuntarily phasing. This phase is painful, nothing I've ever felt before. After phasing back to my human form I feel my second set of fangs breaking through my gums. When I finally make it to her I can see the confusion and fear all in her brown eyes and on her face.

As I walked to her I felt my powers growing stronger and stronger the closer I got to her. Now that I'm standing in front of her my body feels like an electric current is sending waves of power through me.

Reaching out my pale hand I caress her cheeks before bending down, capturing her soft lips in a kiss. What started out feeling like pulses of electric currents, now feels like bolts of lightning shooting through my entire body as my two halves step up together. I can also feel an invisible rope wrapping itself around my body and connecting me with her. The energy that is moving through us is so strong, it causes me to jolt.

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