Chapter 23: Deja

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"Girl you don't know how much dick he can't even imagine." I silently chuckle at Felicia's words coming through the speakers of my new car, because yes I can imagine. "He had some pornstar dick." She moans. "And when I got on my knees and he pulled it out...Bitch, I jumped right back up." I started laughing out loud this time.

I'm following behind the motorcycle that's weaving through traffic. We've been on the road for a little over five hours, and have made two stops so far. I'm proud of myself; I was a little scared to drive the whole seven-hour drive.

"So y'all didn't have sex?"

"Hell yes - we did." She practically yells in my ear. "I just had to use a little liquid courage to take on something so monstrous. But baaaby let me tell you...bitch when he was done with me the neighbors knew his name. I got up walking like a baby deer fresh out the womb stumbling over my own damn feet."

I'm laughing so hard tears have started rolling down my cheeks. Felicia's ass is crazy.

"Hell, I'm serious. Girl and when he bit me I had the longest orgasm known to man."

My laugh instantly dries up and my face balls up. "He bit you?"

"Well...I thought he did but when I looked there was no mark. You have to get me his number because he left when I was asleep." She starts laughing, but I'm not laughing now. I'm still trying to wrap my head around what she just said. "I'm ready to settle down. He has fucked me into submission."

"Ummm...ok," I say trying to shake the foreboding thoughts away. "I will have to ask Gray."

"Thanks, Dey...girl you just don't understand. Where are you sounds like you are driving?"

"We are on our way to see Grayson's family."

"Is he driving or you?"

"I'm driving. He's on his motorcycle."

"See that's the shit I'm talking about. I need a man like that. Not no, little ass boy like Shaquan. Did I tell you I found out that he was messing with some girl named Renae? He moved in with her and everything."

I don't say anything to her because my mind won't let up on the fact that Daryl is a vampire. I try to remember if his eyes had a pink tint to them, but when I think back I don't remember.

"What color were Daryl's eyes?" I blurt this out in between her talking shit about her baby daddy.

"Ummm...They were dark brown. Beautiful clear brown eyes. I hope our kids don't have to wear glasses."


"He wears contacts. I wonder how bad his eyesight is."

"Not sure but let me call you back. We're pulling over for gas."

"Ok, but don't forget the number."

"Ok." I end the call right as we are passing a field with cows grazing. I can't believe Grayson let a vampire go home with one of my friends. What if he would have killed her.

Ok, now I sound like Asia and Nichols. Grayson would never bring someone around who would be dangerous... Right?


When we pull up to the gated community my left foot and both legs are hurting. I don't ever want to drive this far anymore. I feel for every truck driver that has to drive miles and miles across every state. Hell, I'm so tired you would have thought I've just worked a twelve-hour shift on my feet all day.

Sighing, I watch as the guard waves the giant in and I follow close behind. It looks the same as it did the last time I was here. Not that I thought it would have changed. It's not as cold and there are more people out. I even see a few wolves and baby wolves out walking around. Even though I know it to be true, it still amazes me that people can change into wolves. Or is it that wolves can turn into people?

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