🚔23|I Told You So. Now Listen To Me |23🚔

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•This Chapter contains gore and murder so please keep this in mind. Don't become all sensitive on me please lol•


Jeongguk followed the male but was really weirded out. This place was hella sketchy. More then sketchy. It was downright creepy.

"Jimin." The male ignored him yet again and breathed in softly, sticking his hands in his pocket and nodded his head towards the ally way, "you can't do anything about it so don't even try to be a cop here. But let me show you the “soft” and “lowest rank” Black Stone members."

The younger swallowed thickly and followed behind Jimin, peeking out beside him and his heart stopped when there was a loud cry that came from a man.

Jimin didn't stop walking though so Jeongguk didn't. But he wondered how insane Jimin really was in that moment.

"Please please p-please-" "shut up you whore." A female spoke roughly, her voice a bit tight and raspy but you could for sure tell she was beyond pissed at this man. Jimin stopped and Jeongguk popped his head up and saw a guy on the ground on his knees and a fairly young girl looking down at him.

The girl bent down to the mans height and cocked up her eyebrows, "you think it's funny to take advantage of a passes out girl, huh?" the man shook his head quickly and went to plead but the girl grabbed his jaw tightly, "don't you even think about an excuse. You're a worthless piece of human trash. Not even human. Just trash in general."

The girl next to her spat on the guy and kicked him in the side and he let off a loud and pained groan and the guy bet down to his height giggled like a psychopath but before Jeongguk could see anything he heard the most ugly bloody murder scream and this went on for about 34 seconds but a long 34 seconds.

It felt like 34 years.

After another painful and loud scream the guy fell to the side and lifeless. The girl handed the standing one a bloodied knife. One she used to push into the guys upper arm a few times and cut his cheekbone with.

She sat up and let off a sigh. She had cut the mans throat and wide open. She was covered with blood and smelt strongly of it. Obviously.

She sighed again and turned- "hey Jiminie."

Jimin nodded and walked towards her as she wiped her hands off. Jeongguk was mortified. What in the holy living hell-

"Jeongguk, this is Amathist. Amathist, this is my idiotic boyfriend, Jeongguk."

The female looked him up and down, then nodded. The back female shook his hand and spoke, "I'm the new one on the team. My name is Essence." The male swallowed harshly and hummed, a heavy filling in his chest and his gut clenching tightly.

"Nice to meet you Essence." The female smiled, "you too, Jimin." Jimin nodded and then looked back at Amathist, "will you please talk some sense into Jeongguk. He badly needs it." Amathist pursed her lips together then looked back at Jeongguk- "you'd honestly be killed asap. Even if you were to gain their trust and get onto the team. You're weak, in and out."

The male huffed but saw the look the back girl, Essence, gave him and shut up. And Amathist went on. "You're too small, too flabby. Your throat would belong to someone else after it was slit." She warned but said it quite bluntly.


"Jeongguk, Jimins oh so lovely boyfriend... I suggest you stop your searching in the Black Stone because the next members you run by won't hesitate to cut you in half. Literally. Jimin told me you think you're practically all that but let me tell you you have no chance against us." She growled, but was honest.

The males heartbeat slowed down as actual fear washed over him when he looked down and saw the blood all over. Once he also got a good look at Amathist's face he knew right then and there..

They weren't to be fucked with.

So... he won't be going after them after all...

Not if he wants to keep his life.

𝕋𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕆𝕟𝕖 𝕆𝕗𝕗𝕚𝕔𝕖𝕣Where stories live. Discover now