🚔 18 |A King Doesnt Cry---Until Hes Enlightened Enough| 18 🚔

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Jeongguk sighed and sat his backpack down, looking at the shelves upon shelves upon shelves. Now where the hell would Jimin hide it this time?

Well, a little “help” was offered when yet, another person he hated, walked up and grinned, "nice seeing you again Gguk, you've changed-" "so have you now move I'm busy."

Mia rolled her eyes, "I can help you ya ass. Jimin told me where your clue is so I suggest you be nice to me or hunt for hours without end." The elder grumbled but nodded, admitting she was right.

"So, he said go to the twelfth shelf on the right." Jeongguk did so and the other followed him, her coconuty scent clogging up his nostrils. He ignored it though and shook his head, looking through the books.

Mia followed him, her bangs falling in front of her eyes like usual. Jeongguk ignored her again and looked through them for a good five minutes before she spoke- "romance horror. A romance about horror. It's also Jimin's favorite book."

He stopped for a second, thinking.

A romance horror...


Jeongguk ran through the isle and found the right section and searched for the book and grabbed it, pulling it open quickly and finding the envelope. It was more sealed then the rest but he ignored it and opened it anyways.

“Dear Ggukkie,
Hey! by the time you find this Mia has probably annoyed the hell out of you. But I can't say I'm sorry. I had reunite you two ;)
Any who~
There's two clues left. The next one you'll find in no time. And the last one you might too. But we'll just have to see~ so, follow Mia's path because she will be your guide for now on until the end ;)
You're welcome :)
I love you❤

Jeongguk looked over at the female whom was writing something on her phone and rolled his eyes and huffed but didn't complain and went back to reading the bottom of the envelope.

“oh yeah haha!
PS; the clue is ↓
Where is the place we first met?
Not the road but it is a coffee shop.”

Jeongguk knew where that way and dragged the younger with him quickly and she complained and snarled and even hissed once but followed anyway and they made it to the shop quite quickly.

The male ran inside while Mia slowly made her way inside on purpose. She doesn't like the cop and he knows this. Their encounters aren't so beautiful. But oh well. Not like they'll have to see each other again anytime soon.


The worker jumped when he heard the man yell and Jeongguk apologised but grabbed the envelope, opening it quickly and groaned when there was yet, another envelope and grabbed that one.

He's so close to the end he's excited.

Jeongguk quickly opened the other one and grabbed the pretty decorated note paper and read on-

“Hey Ggukkie,
I didn't say “dear” this time as I didn't feel like it. So, let's go on to something new. Now, your new clue is awaiting you in Mia's coat pocket ;)
I'm sorry, I had to. And she does know. Don't worry. But beware, the canine bites. But besides that, you'll be alright. Now, let's move on and you come find me ;)
Love you~
From Jiminie”

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