🚔 20| The Fook Is This?|20🚔

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The male death glared the younger as she pranced around sarcastically, throwing streamers around and making psycho like sounds.

"Shut-up right now." Jeongguk snapped, teeth tightened together. She stopped quickly and looked at him, grinning, "those really are the only words you know, aren't they?" Jeongguk rolled his eyes- "no, they aren't. But for you, yes."

The female nodded, still grinning as she turned and walked forward and Jeongguk had no choice but to follow her, knowing exactly how she is. She knows he knows too. She just doesn't care.

"Ladybell get over here."

The other rolled her eyes and turned, but before Jeongguk spook she shot a little canon of streamers at him and pissed him off but he knows Jimin will chew him out into next year if he gets nasty with her.

Ladybell smirked- "what's wrong? cat got your tongue?"

Jeongguk rolled his eyes and started wiping the streamers off and glared at the other- "why when I love one do you all come bother me?" Ladybell quirked up her left eyebrow- "pardon now?"

The other shook his head, "nothing. Forget I said anything."

"Okay," and she was off.

That was easy.

But Jeongguk followed anyways and turned, still right behind her. Streamers and confetti decorated anywhere she walked so at least now he knows where to find her if she ever disappears or is in trouble.

"Alright Ladybell, I need to ask you a few qu-" "about?" Jeongguk rolled his eyes, sighing, "your part in the accident." She shrugged, "I already told you. I didn't do jack in it. It was all them."

Jeongguk swallowed thickly as he wrote some of this down and he knew she would be a tough nut to crack. But he can do it.

"You sure? you weren't... near it or you didn't help cut the brakes?" Ladybell shook her head, "no and hell no. I'm not into endangering other people Gguk. It isn't my thing. And I didn't think you thought of me as one of those people."

The male sighed and shook his head, putting the notepad down- "I don't. You're just well-known around here and well-known in the gangs. I thought maybe you had a part in it or something. It is a my bad."

Ladybell rolled her eyes but shrugged, "you aren't the first and aren't the last. We both know this. But- you're forgiven." Jeongguk nodded, "thanks..." Ladybell skipped off while the elder followed.

"So, I hear you're having a baby,"

Jeongguk snapped his attention to her- "yeah, two. Why?" the female shrugged yet again, "because I'm smart." Jeongguk rolled his eyes- "no, really." Ladybell sighed, "I was the first person Jimin told."

"You know Jimin?"

The younger hummed, "you really are stupid." She degraded, but spoke again, "I used to run around with him all the time. I was first to find out what happened between you two. The others were not even if they claim to have. I used to do a lot of stuff with Jimin... stuff I'm not proud of."

The officer swallowed as he listened some more- "I'm not going to tell you that stuff but it wasn't okay. But anyways- yeah, he told me about the baby." "There's twins." Ladybell nodded, "I know. One boy and one girl right?"

Jeongguk nodded, "yeah..."

Ladybell grinned and turned, staring him in the eyes- "well sir, I must be off. It was nice talking to you---I'll see you later, alright?" and then she disappeared- into thin air.

Leaving a very confused and honestly somewhat intimidated Jeongguk.

"Well... alright then."

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