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I bit my lip down as I scanned the room, admiring the faces of all the occupants. Each person had their eyes glued at the outsider who had joined the group. Draco stood awkwardly at my side, smiling lightly at the room.

"Everyone, this is Draco", I said smiling in unison with my partner, "of course you all know him", I added, glancing at the group of teenagers huddled on one side of the room.

"Well, welcome", said mum, standing up from her seat and joining Draco and me near the doorway. "It's great to meet you"

Mum smiled at Draco, before pulling him into an embrace. I grinned at the interaction, loving each second of this moment.

"Are you hungry?", asked Mrs Wealsey, turning from the stovetop and giving Draco a weak smile.

"Oh, no thank you", he responded, continue to smile with everyone. As if he was scared that if he were to break a grin, his demeanour would fall.

"Well, come sit down", I said, gesturing towards the seats on one end of the table, occupied by my friends.

Draco nodded before taking my reached out hand, following me to the seats in front of us. It was obvious that he was feeling uncomfortable, and as much as I tried to relieve the stress in the air, it felt like a lost cause. 

Once the two of us had been seated down, mum followed and sat between Draco and Sirius. I looked around at everyone's faces, Ginny and Hermione looked hopeful but slightly timid. The boys, however, were failing to keep their promise, for each were already giving Draco death glares.

I looked at Harry pleadingly, yet, he merely glanced away and continued with a stiff frown. I gave him one last chance, before kicking his shin under the table.

"Bloody hell!", he muttered under his breath, looking back at me confusingly. I gave a small tilt of my head towards Draco, who was glancing down at his hands vulnerably.

"Draco, it's great having you here", said Ginny, sitting up higher and smiling at the boy next to me.


I put my hand under the table, and it immediately found Draco's. Together, we grasped our hands firmly. I could tell he was lost, getting pushed around recently, it couldn't be easy.

"Thank you, for having me. I appreciate it", said Draco, now looking at the group of adults on the other side of the room. 

"It's the right thing", said Sirius, lazily. as mum shot him a dark glare from across the table.

"Yes, it's not safe for a boy like you, out on the streets", stated Remus, giving Draco a semi-smile.

"I'm not on the streets-", started Draco.

"I told them, they're right, you can't live at the Leaky Cauldron", I explained, squeezing Draco's hand.

"Oh", he muttered, looking back at the adults.

The overall atmosphere in the room was confusing. It was true that some were trying, but also obvious that there was a strong feeling of unnecessary hatred for the boy next to me.

"Okay", I remarked, after several minutes of awkward silence, "what happened to being nice and sociable, huh? What happened to 'we'll have him stay here', and rule no. 2?!"

"What's rule number 2?", asked Draco quietly.

"Tell you later", I muttered back for drilling eyes at everyone else in the room.

"I'm sorry dear, this is our fault. We should be more open", said Mrs Weasley, placing a plate of cookies in front of Draco.

Draco nodded kindly at the woman in front of him, then returned to have his eyes locked with the table.

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