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"Come on you stupid thing!" I snapped at my trunk, I had jammed it in quite well and the first years weren't here to pull theirs out so I was stuck looking like an idiot while pulling as hard as I could.

As I was backing up with my arms wrapped around the handle, a stiff body was immediately shoved against my back.

" Ugh!, watch it" I yelled in disgust, who would honestly do that. I pulled myself off from the ground and spun around to meet eyes with Draco Malfoy.

"You mind?, I was having enough trouble as it is" I knew that most people would never say such a thing to him but I didn't care and surely that's why I get in the most trouble for speaking my mind when I'm not supposed to, but Malfoy really had it coming.

"Seriously? what makes you think that you can speak to me like that?" He looked down at me from just a few inches with a small smirk. I'm guessing he thought I was intimidated by his comment but I couldn't be bothered.

"Tell me again why you are superior to the rest of us?!, oh yeah it's your daddy right?" I looked up at him with the sneakiest grin and spun on my heel reached forward and grabbed my trunk with the most minimal effort needed and walked away over to the pile of baggage.


We all piled our way off the train and into the Hogsmeade station, everyone was scrambling together their trunks and pets, we all gathered together and made sure Crookshanks and Pic we're fine.

I stayed behind with Harry and Ron, I could tell Harry and I were looking at the same thing.

"What are those things, do' you reckon?", Harry asked, slightly pointing at the horse-like creatures in front of us.

"What things?", asked Ron

I didn't say anything, knowing that Harry was seeing the same things I was, it really wasn't the happiest sight out there. Luna came over holding Pigwidgeons cage, she then passes him over to Ron, "He's a sweet little owl, isn't he?"

"Er, yeah", Ron responded, "Well, let's go then"

"Ron, what are those things?"

"What things?"

"The horse things pulling the carriages", said Harry impatiently.

We were now right next to them, they were actually quite beautiful creatures, I just didn't want to admit to seeing one. Harry obviously already knew about dad, I mean he was the first one there with me.

"Harry, what are you talking about?", asked Ron.

"I'm talking about - Look!"

"What am I supposed to be looking at?"

"Right there!"

"Harry", I said while trying to pull him away from the horse creatures, I truthfully never knew what they were called but I have seen them since last year, I had the same reaction as Harry.

"Are you feeling all right mate?", Ron asked.


"Let's get in then", said Ron, trying to usher Harry and me over to the carriage door.

"It's all right", said Luna Lovegood from behind them. "You're not going mad or anything, I can see them too"

"Really?", I asked.

"Can you?", said Harry.

"Oh, yes", said Luna, "I've always been able to see them, don't worry, you're just as sane as I am"


"You did what?!" Juliet laughed as she looked over at Ginny who was already giggling.

"I'm sure that will shut Malfoy up for a while," I said with a delighted face. Ron and Hermione had to leave again so we were left as a group of just Harry, Ginny, Luna, Neville, Juliet and I, so we had more space on the carriage. I put my arm up on the seat and looked over into the landscape of Hogwarts, I always forget the beauty of it.

"I mean if it weren't for all the snide comments and wretched attitude I think I could call the guy cute," I said looking over at my friends to see their astonished faces.

"Michelle!!" they both yelled.

"What!, you have to admit that if he were a nice sweet angel, every girl in this school would be falling head over heels for him"

"Yeah, but what about everyone's standards?", Harry asked while squished between Neville and Luna.

I gave him a stern glance before breaking into laughter, "Harry, what are your standards?"

He looked at me devilishly before laughing as well, "Good Question"

We talked and laughed all the way up to the castle, joking about what classes would be like this year, and the dreaded topic of the O.W.L exams.

Soon enough, we reached the castle, the joy built up inside me blew up as I made out the shape of the castle through the fog. At last, I finally felt back home.

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