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Walking down the dark dungeon corridors on Wednesday for potions was as normal as it would ever be, I really hated the dungeons. The dim lanterns on the side of the walls just felt like they were creeping in on me. I made sure to get to Potions as soon as possible.

As I made my way over to my seat next to Malfoy, he looked up and watched me until I sat down.

'That was weird, what's up with him?' I glanced over at Juliet who was busy in her essay and only muttered a small "Good morning". I couldn't blame her, when Jules was busy, she was busy.

I looked over to Bens seat and it was once again empty, I was wondering where he was and making a mental note to ask him as soon as I found him later. I glanced back at his seat and found that the chair next to his was absent as well, I was just about to whisper to Juliet asking about who sat there when Snape walked into the room and made his presence very noted.

The period went on, we worked on strengthening solution and our table passed with an almost perfect concoction. And for some reason, I wasn't gifted with any spiteful comments from Malfoy or Zabini.

With fifteen minutes left in class, McGonagall marched into the room asking to speak to Snape privately. He turned to all of us glaring at every table and snapping "Well we are all done here anyway so go to your next class early", and like that he strode off into the corner with Professor McGonagall.

I had a 20 minute break in between Potions and Transfiguration and with my extra fifteen minutes, I had loads of time. So I decided to run up to the Gryffindor common room and grab my Care of Magical Creatures textbook, so that I wouldn't have to grab it later.

Running up the halls and stairs with a couple of books in my hand was easier that you would think. I walked into the Gryffindor common room which was mostly empty, due to the fact that most kids were in classes.

I dropped my books off on the table of next to the fire so that I could have free hands when looking for my other book, sometimes I just simply lose them in the mess of a five girl bedroom. I started making my way up the spiral staircase till I reached a shut door that led into the dormitory, I reached down to twist open the brass door handle but stopped mid-reach when I heard voices coming from inside.

There was a girls voice, high pitched, so I could presume that it was Lavender. As my body began motioning to continue with opening the door I heard a guys voice from inside as well. I couldn't understand what they were saying, but I heard a familiar firm sound, Ben.

Once I heard what I thought, I barged into the room without thinking. I stopped dead in my tracks when my eyes were met with Ben making out with Lavender, as soon as they noticed the door had been open they both immediately backed away. Bens eyes looked at me with complete and utter shock , his mouth opened but not finding the words to come out.


I looked up at him with heartbroken eyes, feeling a couple of tears roll down my cheek. I spun around and ran down the stairs, hearing Ben chase after me while shouting my name repeatedly. I just had to get out of there, I didn't care where to.

I had reached the main hallway where all the classrooms were and took a right, jogging while wiping a few tears off my cheek. I could still hear Ben yelling after me, but I just kept going till I found myself making another right. Before I knew it, I had almost crashed into somebody. I looked up and was met with a pair of familiar grey eyes.

"Hey watch..., sorry Michelle I didn't see you" he looked down at me confused as to why I was now watering like never before. "Hey are you ok?", before I could answer, I used his arms to pull myself up and continued running.

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