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Michelle POV:

The next couple of weeks went by real fast, today is October 30th. The whole school is buzzing about Halloween tomorrow, every house is planning on having some sort of party. The boys in Gryffindor, are planning on putting a silencing charm around the tower, just so Umbridge doesn't come and crash it.

Ever since I got back into Quidditch, I've been a much happier person. We've played a couple of games, but luckily none against Slytherin so far. I feel as though it will be a bit of a challenge to even walk out onto the pitch without crumbling.

We were on our way to dinner in the Great hall, the whole school was rambling on about tomorrow. It seemed as though even teachers were excited for a day of Halloween activities. Most of them had relatively happy smiles and were all talking to each other enthusiastically.

The Great hall was packed with students, once we had all sat down and were waiting anxiously for a meal to arrive. Umbridge had decided to make a speech tonight, regarding parties and regulations about curfew. I shifted my eyes to McGonagall and Hagrid, they were both looking at each other with irritated glances.

"Little does she know"

I glanced around to George silently giggling along with Fred, Ron, Harry and their friend Lee Jordan. Even Hermione seemed to have a slight smirk on her face. If only Umbridge knew what was spiralling through most of the Gryffindor students minds right now.


The atmosphere in the Gryffindor common room this morning was rather hilarious, all the boys were setting up the charms for later, students had mischievous and sneaky grins on their faces. It was going to be a fun day.

It was a Monday, but thankfully they cancelled classes, so we had all day to prepare for tonight. Hermione, Juliet and I were in charge of food. All the students in Gryffindor had chipped in and we had so much money for treats.

We were on our way down to Hogsmeade, when Hermione asked me bluntly about Malfoy.

"Hey, Michelle?, what's going on with you and Malfoy?"

"What do you mean?", I answered trying to seem as cool as possible. There was nothing between Malfoy and me, I think.

"Well you too seem cosy", Juliet added.

"What!, we are not cosy. He is just a somewhat friend, who happens to be a guy", I held an astonishing face and tried to glare anywhere but at their faces.

"And a Slytherin", Hermione mumbled while giving Juliet a sceptical nudge.

"Ok you know what you guys, Malfoy is my friend and I like him as a friend. I don't know why it needs to be such a big deal"

"Fine", they said in unison. Which totally meant that they weren't buying it.

This was not cool, I would be completely supportive if either of them had fancied a guy like Malfoy. I just don't know if I was lying to myself? I don't know if I liked Malfoy just as a friend, and if I liked him in the way that my friends thought, I was royally screwed.


The whole day had gone by, It was already dinner and we were all heading down to the Great Hall. I suppose that walking as a whole pack wasn't so secretive, but I don't think anyone else noticed. I was just about to spark up a conversation with Fred about the silencing charm when I felt a warm grip wrap around my wrist. I turned to see who it was, and I was met with Draco Malfoy.

Apparently, Fred noticed as well because he immediately pulled me close to his chest and had his hand tightly placed on my shoulder. I looked at Malfoy for some guidance on whatever the hell he wanted, but he just continued to look at Fred.

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