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'Michelle!, where are you?'

I looked up and was faced with Juliet running at me, but when I tried to say that I was 'here', the words disappeared, all the sound wasn't coming out of my voice. The ground of where we resembled greatly of Kings Cross station, but all torn up and much darker. The sky was a bloody red and all the walls had caved in and where scattered in ashes on the floor.

Another person came into the picture, she had flaming red hair and a distinguishable run but with a destroyed and puzzled face. 'Michelle!'

Why couldn't they see me, I was right in front of them. All my friends soon joined the search, all screaming my name and looking. But I couldn't say anything to get their attention, I ran up in front of Juliet, she still didn't see me. I placed my hand on her shoulder, panicking and shaking with all my force. She glanced over at her shoulder with a grieving look, but shook her head and got back to yelling.

What was going on? my friends were yelling my name but couldn't see me. I was stuck, nothing to do but scream back at them, telling them that I was ok. Ginny scanned the area again with tears rolling down her cheeks.

A sudden rumbling of the ground and crash of a pillar sent us all shaking, all of my friends glanced up at the half-constructed roof and gasped when they saw trails of black smoke charging at them. I ran in front of Ginny and Juliet to try and protect them but when I shot defence spells from my wand nothing came out.

'What is going on!'

Instead, Harry jumped in front of me and shot spells into the sky but nothing worked, all the death eaters have begun attacking them. I tried my best to move everyone but they couldn't even feel me. I watched as one by one, they all begin falling to the ground, only Juliet remained. She was trying her hardest but one of the death eaters got her, sending a green spark through the air and hitting her right in the stomach. She begins falling to the ground but before she did, she locked eyes with me, all the helpless tears streaming from her eyes. I screamed as she made it to the ground, screaming for my best friend.

"Michelle!, wake up!"

Juliet was holding my head and hushing, she slowly swept the tears from my face. I looked up at her confused and scared.

"What is going on, you were all on the ground?" I whispered in a trembling voice.

Juliet looked at me with the sweetest smile, "Its ok Michelle, it was all a dream" She pulled me into a warm comforting hug. I finally had the chance to look around at the rest of the room, Hermione was at the end of my bed, with the most concerned but grateful look I have ever seen, and Pavarti and Lavender were just in their beds looking from me back to each other very confusingly.

"What time is it?" I asked looking at Hermione and Juliet.

"Half-past 2" Hermione answered by looking down at her wristwatch.

"Oh, well we should all be back to bed. Don't you think?"

"Yes Michelle, we should" Juliet looked at me with a patient smile. Hermione patted my leg then walked over to her bed. But instead of standing up, Juliet pulled over my covers and got under the blanket. I didn't say a word but just allowed her comforting arm to be wrapped around my shoulder, we laid there until Juliet thought that I was asleep and slowly crept back to her own bed.

I was truly grateful for having Jules near me, but I knew that I wouldn't be able to sleep after the dream. I laid in bed until I saw the smallest hint of sun peak through the window. I had decided that the only thing I could do to clear my mind was going for a run, so I changed into my sports bra, shorts and threw an oversized t-shirt over the top of it all.

With my mom being a muggle-born, we had more muggle based tools in our house than most wizarding families. My favourite of all of those was being our obsession with muggle music, we have always had stereos playing across the house. Before my first year, my dad bought me a walkman device. I have used it so much and always have some sort of music playing.

I turned my walkman on and started making my way down to the Grand entrance doors. Luckily it was a Saturday, so I had time for a complete mind-clearing run.

So there I was, in my element jogging down the paths and curves of the Hogwarts landscape until I reached my favourite spot in the whole world, the Lake. I was so hot and sweaty that by the time I reached the water, I had already bent down and splashed my face with the cold refreshing water.

After relaxing my body with a few more splashes, I walked closer to my tree and laid down on the soft smooth rocks that coated the lakes shore. I shut my eyes and took in the peaceful awakening surroundings, all was well for a few seconds before my brain took me back to the pictures of my dream. I shot my eyes wide open, as I couldn't bear to see that movie play on repeat again. Glancing up at the now cloudy blue sky, I attempted to push those ideas out of my head and think about the Quidditch game that would be taking place this coming Saturday.

All the music streaming into my ears gave me a sense of control. I watched the clouds drift over the lake, the sun peeking through every few minutes or so to shine down and reflect off the lake. How could a place this perfect not be admired by everyone?

Once I had listened to half my playlist, I rose and tugged my shoes on. Staring out at the water one last time before jogging back up the hill to Hogwarts.

All the joys in my life finally seemed stable, I mean as much as they could be. That dream was quite freaky but I'm sure it was just a normal nightmare. I had almost made it up the hill when a few first years came through the Grand doors, they seemed to believe that they were the first ones awake and gave me a surprised stare as I made my way past them and into the hall.

After changing into some jeans and a jumper, I thought it was a good enough time to catch up on some homework. I climbed up onto the bay window looking out at the scenery down below and got to work on my Potions essay.

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