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Hermione and I exited the girl's dormitory and met up with Harry and Ron on the staircase. The four of us then travelled down all the stone steps until reaching the bottom, where we thought it was clear. 

Suddenly, an echo of croaking fills the empty void, alerting the four of us. 

"Trevor", says Harry, pointing slightly to the toad sitting upon the arm of a chair. 

"Trevor shh! Go, you shouldn't be here!", Ron hushes, attempting to usher the toad out of the room.

"Neither should you. You're sneaking out again, aren't you?", declares Neville, who suddenly just emerged from behind the same armchair.

 "Christ, Neville", I gasp, looking at him frighteningly. 

"Now, Neville, listen. We were-", Harry starts.

"No! I won't let you!  You'll get Gryffindor in trouble again! I-I'll fight you.", Neville stands and walks around the red chair, to be right in front of us four.  He had held his fists out in front and actually appeared to be putting up a brave front. 

"Neville, I'm really, really sorry about this... Petrificus Totalus.", Hermione declares, before stunning Neville into a full body bind.

"Hermione!", I blurted, looking up at her in complete perplexion. 

"You're a little scary know that? Brilliant, but scary.", Ron announces, he too staring at Hermione with slightly fearful eyes. 

"Let's go.  Sorry.", harry apologizes, walking past Neville.

"Sorry, Neville", I say, being careful of where I step when his stunned body is laying upon the floor.

Hermione also apologizes, but from behind me, I can hear Ron mutter.

"It's for your own good, you know."

I stifle a small laugh, before completely following Harry out of the Gryffindor common room. Once we exit, Harry, throws the invisibility cloak over the two of us, then we wait for the others. 

The only other time when I had been under the invisibility cloak was earlier on in the New Year. Harry and I decided to go for a walk, and it only lasted an hour and a bit, due to the fact we saw Filch running around the halls, probably looking for any students out of bed that he could get in trouble.

Hermione and Ron soon appear and join the two of us under the invisibility cloak. Before the four of us began moving, travelling slowly under the invisibility cloak.

We soon get closer and closer to the third floor, and I was finally realizing how this entire night was a slightly bad idea. 

"Ow! You stood on my foot!", cried out Hermione. I smirked, knowing exactly that it was Ron.

"Sorry.", mutters Ron.

From in front of us, a flame is lit. The same flame that flickered on the first time that the four of us entered this room. 

Hermione then takes out her wand and points it at the door, whispering slowly, "Alohamora". Instantly, we can all hear the door click open. I push it lightly forward and am the first of us to enter.

"Wait a minute...he's....", Ron starts before the four of us get a giant breath of air comes to blow us backwards, "sleeping"

"Snape's already been here. He's put a spell on the harp", I exclaim, pointing towards the playing harp, ad the four of us slowly advance on Fluffy. 

"If you guys want to go back, I don't blame you", Harry explained, "you can take the cloak, I won't need it now"

"Don't be stupid", Ron says.

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