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Time continued on. The first-year students at Hogwarts started our classes, which were so far going quite brilliantly actually. So far, my favourite class was either Flying Lessons or Astronomy. The only reasons for these were because of A. I like flying, and B. Stars are pretty.

If Professor Quirrel weren't so hard to understand and listen to, Defence Against the Dark Arts would definitely be a favourite of mine. He's just so stuttery nad strange, practically as if he were hiding something. But that couldn't be true, he was just Professor Quirrel.

We had just finished dinner, and Ron, Hermione, Harry and I were climbing up the stairs, on our way back up to the Gryffindor Tower.

Juliet had stayed behind, engaging in a ravishing discussion with Neville, about Herbology.

At the moment, Ron and Harry were talking over something frantically, all though I can't even remember the topic.

"I'm telling you, it's spooky. She knows more about you than you do.", argued Ron.

"Who does?!"

Suddenly, the staircase that the four of us were standing on, begun to shake, and move. Sending all of us into s jolting panic, of grabbing onto the stone railing, tightly. 

"Ahh", cried Ron, re-gripping his firm hold on the stone.

Hermione gasped, causing all of us to divert our attention towards her.

"What's happening?", asked Harry, holding onto the railing, as he craned his neck towards Hermione.

"The staircase moves. Remember?!"

"Yes, Hermione. I just wasn't anticipating it to happen when we were bloody STANDING ON It!", I yelled, jumping off the staircase immediately after it had stopped and lead onto another platform.

Harry tapped Ron and I's arms, before muttering, "let's go this way"

"Before the staircase moves again", Ron responded.

The four of us entered the strange room, leading us into a dark and sketchy looking area. I tugged on Harry's arm, pointing over at the horrible looking statue.

"Does anyone feel like...we shouldn't be here?", Harry asked, diverting the two of our attention away from the status, and back to Ron and Hermione.

"We're not supposed to be here. This is the 3rd floor. It's forbidden.", Hermione informed us.

"Perfect thinking, let's stand around longer in the place that Dumbledore LITERALLY told us not to go if we didn't want to die", I exclaimed, starting for the door.

A bright flame lit up on a stone pillar, causing all of us to flinch. As soon as the flame had been shown, Mrs Norris, FIlch's cat, entered the room and started meowing horribly at us.

"Let's go", instructed Harry.

We tried to get past the door, but Mrs Norris just started meowing more and more, easily, Filch would have already been on his way.

"It's Filch's cat!", yelled Ron.

"Really, Ronald?", I sarcastically muttered grabbing onto Ron and Harry's robes, trying to pull them the other way. 

"Run!", said Harry.

We ran through a long corridor, taking us through a dark and uncomfortable feeling passageway, with only small torches. The four of us made it all the way down the corridor, then ending up before a door.

"Quick! Let's hide through that door!", Harry gestured.

Harry and I both reach for the handle, seeing as it had enough space for the two of our hands. We both pulled, but nothing happened. 

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