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The icy rain was pouring down our backs, we had just gotten up into the air and I was already shivering. Slytherin had gotten two penalties and we were only five minutes into the game. The rain was making my broom slip and I could barely hold on with both my hands.

In the midst of all the downfall, I could hear someone zooming towards me. Once their figure appeared, I could tell that It was Ginny.

"Michelle!", she tossed me the quaffle. I didn't have time to think, I just raced against the wind, I could feel a bludger approaching my right side, I spun upside down and kept going. The Slytherin nets were approaching, I held the quaffle in my arm as tightly as possible, diving around the captain Marcus Flint as I threw the quaffle straight to the middle net.

I could hear an eruption of cheers from the Gryffindor tower, much more muted than usual but it was still there. As I went racing over to Ginny she gave me a wet high five and we both carried on. I was getting into position over by the Gryffindor crowd, I noticed that not only were the Gryffindor crowds full, so were the Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs. They really wanted us to beat Slytherin if the turnout in this weather was that large.

The game went on, we got more penalties and so did Slytherin. Fred and George were not fans of Crabbe and Goyle aiming the bludgers at our heads, luckily they hadn't let any touch us yet. The score was 60 to 40 for us. This meant that Slytherin was getting more aggressive and trying to play even dirtier.

I had just scored my third goal, and I was celebrating with Ginny and Katie. Fred started yelling at us to move from the bludger. We all dove in time, but out of the corner of my eye, I could see Crabbe swing another bludger right at us. I was just below Katie, I tried yelling at her to get out of the way.

"Katie!, Katie!, move!"

She couldn't hear a thing over the rain, I raised my broom to try and tell her again but the bludger was spinning out of control and aimed to hit her right in the back.

I wasn't thinking but I raised my broom to push her out of the way but got hit right in the side of my head. I could feel my whole body getting dizzy and starting to feel really tired, I began to close my eyes and noticed that I was slipping off of my broom but I couldn't to do anything, starting to fall, I landed on something but I don't think that it was the ground.

And that's when my whole mind went black.


"Michelle!", I opened my eyes slowly and looked around at my surroundings. I turned my gaze to the door of the infirmary where I caught a glimpse of green robes slipping out the door. Trying my best to ignore what I saw, my brain clued in on the world around me.

'What's going on?'

"Don't move", I met eyes with Ginny who was smiling with such grateful eyes. Behind her I could see Katie sitting at the end of my bed, crying into her Quidditch robes.

"What happened?" I asked looking to my left where the rest of the Quidditch team was standing along with Juliet and Hermione.

"You got hit in the head with a bludger when you were trying to push Katie out of the way. We didn't know if you were going to wake up"

"Oh, you're pretty lucky aren't you Katie?" I said with a small giggle, looking over at a now smiling Katie.

"Wait a second, wouldn't I be dead if I hit the ground?" I asked looking around at my teammates. They all wore hesitant faces.

"We'll talk about it later", Fred approached my bed with my broom. "We thought you would want this", there was my beautiful wet broom, that was in perfect shape.

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