Part 2- beating that score

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Y/N pov

And the green flare was fired. From then on it was me and only me in my own little bubble of focus .
I fell behind many others. Most of them were the tall muscular ones that probably trained for this type of test for years. But they lack the brain power and the more stocky they are the harder it is to ride these horses and move quickly on the 3dm gear.

I was in at around 19th place but only a few paces behind.

The 100m spring was done and now was my time to shine.

I grappled onto the nearest tree and pulled straight ahead. The wind hit my face like a bullet. I flinched and looked down only to remember the position that hanji showed me to use. Apparently it makes you faster and she was experimenting on why.

I stuck my left leg forward and bent the knee back an flung my hands in a streamlined position. I then tilted my head slightly down and felt myself pick up the pace.
The sheer force of the 3dm gear made my body scream to relax but I had to push for that good score.
I kept going and going. I was never going to stop.

I finally landed on a horse after a minute of grappling in the forest and killing the model titans.
I started the horse and raced as far and as fast as possible, leaving the others eating my dust.
Nothing could stop me.
The world was hazy and dark... but the moonlight guided the way foreword.
I followed it , not letting anyone or anything else stop me.
The final stretch was upon me and I was ready. Ready to beat Levi. Ready to win. Ready to...

"ARGGHHHH" I heard a familiar voice.
It was jæger and he was tumbling over and over down the course. I think he must have fallen off of his horse. I wanted to help. But if I did I may not beat it.

It was a singular person activity.

Not for groups.

But he is my friend.

I'm torn.

Instead of grappling straight away I grabbed jæger.

He coughed and winced in pain. He was obviously hurt.

"I don't care about this time anymore. I'm saving jæger" I said out loud looking at him. He had scratches and bruises and a large gash across his chest. His condition will only deteriorate if I don't get him back.
Tch what a catastrophe.
I shuffled him into my arms like I did on the first day of training.
No. I can't move him away. He's too injured. By the walls ! I can never have the chance to prove myself to Levi and Erwin.
I placed Eren back onto he hard ground and put my jacket under his head.
I heard people on their horses coming this way , hopefully nobody will see us in the bushes... they may get the wrong idea since the bleeding won't stop and his shirt is dirty.

Which means I have to cover it with mine.


Calm. There is no need to loose your cool. Just rip off the shirt and tie it around his chest. No biggie. It's not like you like him or anything ?!

I wrenched off my shirt and wrapped it around him tight.

The first person rode by and it looked like Mikasa. She was too focused on getting ahead to notice me and shirtless in a bush.
WOW that's really how it is ... isn't it!

Another one rode by. Probably Annie.
She's pretty good at horse riding and controlling her 3dm gear.

Now groups were passing making dust settle around us. The sun was also dropping below the horizon and I shivered slightly. I considered taking the horse that I had back to camp but it left as soon as I got off it .

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