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Levi pov

As we rode back to the grimy old castle I could feel hanji glaring at me and it.
I didn't really know why but I felt a feeling of ... responsibility ... no it can't be. It feels like ... ugh fine it's better to acknowledge it instead of denying it.
The weak are always in denial.

It coughed and spluttered as we walked through the castle doors. I think it sensed the dust like I did. Huh I may actually get along with the kid. As long as it doesn't get on my nerves , or talk too much, or complain, or make a mess. ( a/n the clean freak shining through there lmao)

I wiped the dust off of an old rickety table top and placed it down. I really need to stop calling it it.
"Hanji I need you to see which gender it is."
"YESSSS I completely agree we neeeeeddd to name it" she said like she could telepathically read my mind
"My odds are on its a girl" piped up Petra
"That's where you're incorrect" said Gunther
"I'm with Gunther here Petra" agreed Oluo
"Same here" nodded Eld

Hanji whisked away the child and only briefly there was silence until an all out debate erupted about its gender

They all turned to me and and said
"How about you captain?" In sync

"Well based on its attire it would be normal to assume it was a male but when it was laughing it sounded more feminine. I would have to assume it was female."

"Yeah captain my thought process too" said Oluo "it's female"

"Shut it Oluo and stop pretending to be like the captain, we all know you couldn't even compare yourself to him" replied Petra

Yet again they all started arguing. On the outside you would think that they absolutely detest each other but as a matter of fact they are like family to each other.

Hanji burst in through the room with the widest smile on her face
"Hey guys it's a..."

Hehehehheheh look at me leaving you all on cliffhangers :)

I'm sorta vibing with the short chapters ... they make it easier to read an less boring. If yall like longer chapters tho I can switch it up :D anyway see ya later and thanks for the reads :)

Edit : uhhh so I kinda read through the survey core's full things and named them incorrectly. I mixed up Oluo and Gunther lmao. 11/12/2020

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