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"What do you think you're doing?"


The rain hammered down on my cloak hood, soaking it right through. They really need to make some waterproof ones .

There was a town in sight and hopefully there is somewhere I can stay the night without getting recognised.
I gave the horse a nudge to speed up and it did, kicking up mud behind us.

The town was cosy and closely packed with inns and public houses aplenty. There was one that had a reasonable amount of people and a complimentary stable for soldiers horses. I decided this would where I would be staying tonight.

"Please can I have a bag of hay and a hot meal. And are there any available rooms?" I asked the old man at the bar placing some gold coins on the counter.

"There is a room spare ,yes and it costs around 20 gold pieces a night. Is that okay for you?" He smiled

"Yeah that'll do." I sighed, forking out some more coins from my stolen pockets.
I strolled over to a seat in the corner or the room and plonked myself lazily down on a seat.
It was still pretty cold in here so I heated my palms with a low blue flame hidden with my cloak.

Another woman slid over to the seat opposite and I quickly extinguished the flame.

"Hey." She said.

"Hello." I replied dryly.

"Why did you become a part of the military police then?" She questioned tapping her fingers on the desk.

"Well I couldn't bring myself to join any other regiment really. I'm just a coward that wants a cushy job in the interior with a high pay." I said

"That's... uh interesting I guess." She stuttered falling over her words at my unusual response.

The waiter came out with a plate of food and placed down a mug of ale beside it. Damn it has been ages since I have had a hot meal like this. The boiled cabbage with beautiful seasoning. The honey roasted carrots and deep brown gravy that complimented it made it all so much better. MmmMmMm this is nice. This is also what the military police know as Normal.

I finished off every last bit of that meal. Whether it was nice or not I wouldn't have noticed. I just finished and strolled to my room then flopped on the bed.

I am free I thought.

But at what cost?

That was the main question I was thinking at the time. I somehow need to survive as well which isn't easy when you probably have a large bounty on your head. I am prepared to barter and steal but begging is out of the question.

I slid off the 3dm gear and placed it neatly at the bottom of a chest of drawers. I was still in my ragged old clothes under the cloak so that is another thing on the checklist of needs. I took off the cloak and opened up the doors to a closet when I noticed a funny looking piece of cloth hung up.

I switched out the cloak for the cloth on the coathanger and took a look at it.

It was a black looking think in the shape of a person's body and seemed around my size so I tried it on.

The thing was tight around my body and was pretty warm. The boots matched with it and I can't lie, I looked badass as hell in it. Heh yeah I am stealing this.

I slept well that night for many reasons and woke up bright and early.
I remembered to wear the black thing and the cloak had dried out. It looked like rain outside but the clouds are passing.

Lightning And Death itself - eren x readerWhere stories live. Discover now