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I awoke in the dark cage that I had been thrown in a long time ago. The rain could be heard slowly tapping away outside, above me. It was cold. Like usual actually. The guard that caged me in this terrible place had fallen into a deep slumber slowly letting air escape from his slightly opened mouth. It had been so incredibly long and i have grown weak, craving the things I thought were necessities, like hot black tea on the bayed windows as the rain poured onto the muddy ground outside. Now the only thing I  got to enjoy was a strawberry or two that a kind woman snuck for me. She never was mean to the me and her presence was a glimmer of hope . She used to arrive hooded in a dark green cape with swords protruding out on the front. Used to. I hope she wasn't killed but it's likely.

The wind howled outside and I could hear a wooded door shudder. The guard still never awoke, only snoring louder, almost drowning out the storm outside.

This was my chance. I could leave if I was careful enough.

I brought my shaky hands up to the iron bars that held me and exhaled, channeling all the power I had into my warming fingertips that were mucky from not having proper sanitation. The bars melted before me and I smiled. The more I was tormented here, the more I could practice. The more powerful I became. The only downside to my power is my eyes. I was told by the woman that my eyes were now a beautiful shade of blue, that she described as powerful but delicate, strong but weak and as a cruel kindness.

I tiptoed out of the cell and a surge of delight flooded my body and I couldn't help but let out a happy sigh. I turned to look at the guard. The pig. He found delight in scoffing  his food in-front of me and sometimes even taking a mouthful and declaring he was stuffed then throwing it out.

I turned and looked at him. He was pitiful. Acting all high and mighty but was a weakling in the grand scheme of things.

I removed a blade from its holster that sat at his side. The thing that he used to kill would be the thing that ended him. I sank the blade through his chest. Not an honourable death and he never deserved one. None of the MP scum deserve it. I reached out and grabbed the green cloak that covered his face and body. I stole his shoes from his disgusting feet and slid them on, huh they fit quite nicely then slipped on his 3dm gear and the blades.

I pursed my lips and turned on my fresh shoes towards the door.

The gale made my new-old cape wave in all directions as I swung open the old door. The landscape hadn't changed one bit. I wonder if I was there for so long.

It was just fields for as far as the eye could see and the small building that held me was almost crumbling. There was a small stable with a brown horse stood alone staring glumly at the floor. It had a worn saddle with a sack of cash in the pockets. Perfect.

I flung my boots over it's back and gave it a signal to leave. We rode out into the rain and headed north. We were bound to find a village or even town centre If we're lucky...


Hey! Sorry for the short chapter but the updates are gonna be slow :(

Cya in the next chapter!!!

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