A brief re-union

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HELLO. A lil edit here bc I was editing the story and wanted to say.
Consent is seggsy, consent is cool.
Now to the story 😎👇


Ohh hell no.

This cant be real.

Was this the reason everyone was looking at me and Eren like that. no No NO NO NO !!! This is bad.

I put down my tea cup in a calm way to mask my real feelings. I'm not like that- I don't show emotion to outsiders. I placed my elbows on the table and intertwined my fingers then put them under my chin. I took a prolonged sigh and turned to face the silent crowd.

"who said" I asked them.

"uhh umm I-um I think that umm who said umm" they stumbled over their words

"it is a simple question you unseasoned cabbage tell me who FUCKING TOLD YOU" I demanded slamming my hands on the old dining table that I was sat on.

They all jumped back a little at my sudden outburst and the timid onlooker replied with

"I-it was Franz but I think Jean told him about it"

of course it was jean. Oh jean, sweet sweet Jean. You're really asking for it.

As if on queue Jean and a few other people walked through the mess hall doors. The whole crowd turned to face them and they stopped in their tracks.

"hey hey looks like I'm finally getting attention, eheh have you only just found out that I'm as handsome as I am?" he joked.

He just looooves attention doesn't he. The crowd parted to show me sat alone at my table with a monotone expression facing directly foreword. I took another sip of my tea before saying

"hey Jean thanks for saving me and Eren, I've been feeling a bit down lately since my boyfriend has ghosted me. He keeps mentioning that I cheated when I couldn't have possibly done that since i was tending to Eren when he fell off of his horse and was on the brink of death. Do you have any idea why that may be?" I asked. I don't have a boyfriend but this is just to make Jean feel bad. I wanted him to feel the same pain that I'm feeling.

"uhh mmh- I dunno did you cheat I mean I uhm didn't know that you had a boyfriend ... have you told him about you and Eren?" he stuttered, regretting his decisions.

"what do you mean Jean ? Eren is my best friend and we were left in the freezing cold to defend ourselves while Eren was bleeding out and in immense pain." I said smoothly "why do you ask jean?" I added turning to face him with a cold expression.

The crowd went silent.

"Im scared of what people think of me and my self esteem is really low at the moment and i feel like Levi will break up with me..." WHAT DID I SAY. WHY DID I SAY A NAME OF SOMEONE THAT WASNT IN THE CADETS! By the walls I have dug myself into an unescapable hole. I literally just put myself into the frying pan.

"I'm so so so sorry y/n I messed up I did it without knowing. uhm ...Can I speak to Levi please" he said. Why am I so stupid. I had to play along though.

i nodded and pushed passed the still silent crowd and lead jean outside. Ill just go up to big law and tell him the situation. Nobody talks to him so has my best bet.

I walked over the hard ground towards their group but something caught my eye. It was Shadis but he was touring 3 people that looked familiar.

HOLY GOD IT WAS THEM. I sprinted as fast as I could to the three of them so it would take Jean a while to catch me.

i stopped in front of them and saluted

"commandant Shadis please may you excuse us for a moment its really urgent" I asked

"and why would I let you do that cadet Ackerman" He said without thinking about his words

"Y/N ! I cant believe it ! you've grown so much and you're so pretty ! you really need to catch us up on how you've been." Hanji squealed as Shadis took his leave.

"okay we can do that later but I've thrown myself into a situation and I really need your help" i said quickly. they nodded

"okay I can explain it in full later but that person that is walking over right now started spreading rumours about me and a friend of mine, long story short he aske to speak to my boyfriend but i dont have one and yeah so I need Levi to act like he's my boyfriend or else I'm dead and ill be questioned by the whole 104" I said.

hey looked a bit funny at me but I didn't care. I didn't want the attention of the whole year.

" fine but you owe me y/n" said Levi.

As if on queue Jean walked and saluted.

"what brings you here cadet?" asked Erwin

"well i umm wanted to apologise for my actions." mumbled Jean

"And they were?" said Levi

"I spread them nasty things about y/n and Eren in the woods. Please forgive me and y/n she did nothing and I didn't know that you were her boyfriend." he said, hanging his head low.

"you can leave now cadet." said Hanji ushering away Jean. He look his leave and ran back to the mess hall, petrified.

I was about to start answering questions that Hanji was firing but Shadis returned and delivered some great news to us.

"since y/n never got to finish the assault course she has had the clear to re-take it." he said quite loudly.

"that would be great commandant... would it be okay if we watched" asked Hanji in her usual bubbly tone

Shadis nodded and lead us over to the starting line.

"Hey Levi, if I beat your score there's no hard feelings right?" I asked him.

"We'll see about that brat." He rolled his eyes.

Even though we had just seen each other after 2 years it still feels like its been so long.

"if you please cadet Ackerman," said Shadis pointing at the starting line that was only barely visible. "Take this too" and handed me 3dm gear.

I threw on the gear and readied myself for the signal to start. This was my only chance to prove myself to Levi and Erwin. I didn't have to worry about Hanji though, I was already perfect in her eyes due to my attention to her classes that she started for me and my love for science.

"good luck y/n" Erwin said signalling Shadis that I was ready.


HiHi !

there is a choice Im gonna give you all. Do you either want

Bonding with Levi, Hanji and Erwin


Bonding with Eren


bonding with Armin, Eren and Mikasa

sorry if this chapter all over the place but ill try to edit it so it flows better. Bye for now!!!!


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