And they were roommates

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Y/N pov

Oh my god they were roommates.
I'll just take the furthest bed back and hope that they don't talk to me, or notice me in any way.
I'll just sit back and draw like I usually do. Yeah ... I'll do that

You strode across the room to the furthest bed on the left and climbed onto the top bunk. The mattress seemed fairly new but after five years it will really be a pain in the ass, literally.

"Hey aren't you the girl that kicks Erens ass a while back?" Said a voice that came from the bottom bunk straight in front of me.

I shot him a confused look and just shrugged .
I unpacked my bags and placed them neatly into a cabinet. By the looks of things this place will be an absolute pigsty and fully packed with the pigs themselves.
I picked up a few bags that weren't mine and tided them up after giving a few sideway glances to kirshtain and springer who looked both scared and guilty from the mess they had already made.

" if we are going to get along in this shit-hole we need a few ground rules."
I said with a monotone voice.
While I'm around people I don't know , I show no emotion. If I do they learn my weaknesses and when I get the upper hand they pull me right back down.
"To start with, Clean up any mess that you generate. It's bad enough having these two already messing the place up" I signaled to springer and kirshtain.
"Rule two- leave me alone."
I climbed back up onto my bunk and put up a poster or two. They were all made by me, Erwin, Levi and hanji. Most of them were titans that we caught but one of them that I painted was of me and Levi being cleaning buddies.
In it Levi and I were in our cleaning gear with sanitizer and sponges held like guns stood back to back.
I loved that one, it was like our relationship in a bottle. And we looked badass , IN CLEANING GEAR! I think only us could pull that !

To my surprise, at the bottom of the bag was a small package with a note that said.

Dear y/n
I knew this day would come.
You would somehow weasel your way into training and be rifleing through your bag in search of your beloved sketchbook and pencils or just doing anything in your power to not talk to the people you have been forced to be in the same cabin with.
I did a thing.
Just remember us by it please.
We support you and will miss you dearly . Even Levi said that
No I did not.


I moved the note aside and looked at the little 3x3 inch canvas. It was detailed beautifully and was coloured perfectly.

There was Levi sat on his chair drinking tea. In the background there was hanji with a clipboard smiling showing Erwin her findings. Then there was me and the special ops team having a food fight. We seemed to be in the mess hall and it looked spotless (which was a rare occurrence).
I smiled for a split second only to be cut off by hysterical laughter.

I turned my head to see them all huddled around a paper note as Braun read out ....

Just remember us by it please.
We support you and will miss you dearly . Even Levi said that
No I did not.


"Bahahahahaha has somebody got a note from daddy? Does mummy miss you too ?" Said the horse faced one.

There was one person that wasn't laughing. It was the same raven haired boy that I beat up a while back.
He was stretching and stressing over them to give it back probably since he felt the consequences of my wonderful little beat up.

I knew his face from somewhere...

Heyyyyy. How did you like the chapter .

Thank you so much :)

<3 ~ florab00

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