•Y/n ackerman•

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Levi pov

"Hey guys it's a...."
We all stopped and looked at Hanji that held the baby up like that one scene in the lion king

"ITS A GIRL" she shouted and the room went from peaceful mode to ohmygodtheyaregonnariot
"Yeahhhh told you all"
"Ahah same"
"Shut it Oluo"
"Shove off Petra"
"Awwww man"

Ugh they really have to stop this .but  It is what it is.
I rolled my eyes

"Hey guys... we have to name her" blurted our Hanji
"I think we should call her Sophie"
"no that's a bit bland ... how about rose"

Yet again these idiots are at it. Their rambling bores me. I have a name that fits if they would just shut up.

They all turned to look at me
"Y/n . We call her y/n" I said quietly yet sternly.

They looked at each other and nodded

"It is decided... y/n is her name" spoke Hanji.

A sense of accomplishment filled my head and made me smirk - on the inside of course.

"Since Levi chose the name her last name is Ackerman" squeals Petra
"Yeah" they all said in agreement
"Why not Smith since he's the top of the top and best of the best?" I said in a monotone voice.

Even though I redirected the suggestion I kind of liked it. Y/n. Y/n Ackerman. Seems to fit well

They all looked at me with the look that
just screams nonoyouarewrongandweareontoyou

I rolled my eyes again

"Fine you win."
They all cheered just a bit too loud since y/n started crying.
It was cute , she didn't look hideous and it wasn't very loud. Not as bad as I thought a crying child would raise the roof.

3rd person pov/ narrator

They all stopped and cared for y/n like their own.. news later came in stating that nobody came to collect or claim that they had lost a child. Erwin said that they should give her to an orphanage but they had all grown too much of an attachment towards her to let them take her

The next 9 years of her life consisted of cleaning, making killer tea, becoming literally young female Levi and training. Emphasis on the training. She trained like hell - day and night never missing a day to get up get ready and practice taking down titans and the unsuspecting person.

She was a prodigy. Almost breaking Levi's record time on the assault course at the young age of 9 1/4
Y/n could have probably been a fully fledged scout and even tried to sneak into an expedition outside the walls.
She was quickly denied though- not because of her skill set but because she had never seen a Titan face to face and didn't have much experience working with other people.

She picked up the nickname wallflower because of her personality. (If you don't know what it means look on the urban dictionary)

On the day of her 10th birthday their whole world came crashing down.
The titans had gotten through wall Moria and massacred 1000's of people. All she could do is sit and watch as the life she knew crumbled beneath her feet.

Heyyyyyyyy these chapters were kind of like a backstory/ intro to y/n's life. Comment stuff you wanna see while she trains in the cadets please and I'll probably add it :)

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